Chapter 7 Please Stay

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After 45 minutes of pure music and water relaxation, I step from the tub while it drains and wrap my baby blue towel around me. I open the door and see a man sitting on my bed, staring my direction. Panicking, I slam the door shut without seeing who it was. I dress while speaking to Tony's program.

"FRIDAY! I thought I said no visitors!!" I scold her.

" I couldn't stop him Miss. Wanez. " FRIDAY responds. I exit the bathroom wearing the emerald bra and black shorts. Once I see the man, I recognize him. Loki. Shit. Loki watches me for the second time, looking my frame up and down.

"You weren't lying when you said you sleep in that." He whispers and makes the contact before realizing what he said and averting his gaze. His cheeks become red the more the silence rolls on.

"Sorry. I didnt.... Silent realize you going occupied." He apologized without looking at me, and I sigh softly.

"No. I wasn't lying, clearly. Yes, I was occupied. That's why I asked for no visitors. Hey, I'm covered." I walk to him and sit on the bed. Loki looks at me slowly.

" How long have you been here? " My gaze slips to his lips for a second before going back to his eyes.

"A few minutes. I waited for you." Loki speaks quietly, completely different from his normal character.

"For what?" Why would you wait, when you could hear my music playing?

"The sunset. You didn't come to the roof like every night before. Until tonight that is." Loki stares into my eye. I think for a few seconds, my emotions for him spiking at his words. He waited.

"I'm so sorry. I saw it from here, I had a few things on my mind. Loki?" I speak his name as his gaze tries to look out my small window. Loki slowly connects with my green hazel eyes.

"What is it, Nikole?" His voice comes out smoothly and gently.

"Steve invited me to my first mission tomorrow." I watch Loki for his reaction. He smiled slowly, and when he speaks, his voice is lighthearted with joking.

"Guess he took your words to heart." I laugh softly, forgetting that I never said that to Steve in front of Loki.

"Of course he did. Why wouldn't you?" I joke back.

"Well. Due to the fact that you  to be up early tomorrow, I should leave so you can rest." Loki stands to leave.

" Wait! Please. Can you stay? To make sure... The nightmares, Loki... " He looks as though he's thinking about my words. I wait silently. Please stay. Don't leave me. Please....

After a few long seconds, Loki cups my cheek, a little unsure if he should.

"Let me get dressed." I smile softly, and Loki walks into my bathroom. Once he shuts the door, I pull the covers back and slide under them, my eyes already becoming heavy.

Loki comes out from the bathroom wearing silk, emerald pants. I blush lightly as I realize that we are matching and his pants hung a little loose on his hips. He sits on the edge of the bed and looks at me, still a little unsure.

"How'd you get dressed without having any PJ's down here?" I question as he pulls the blankets back and slides in next to me.

"Magic." Loki chuckles softly, and I pull myself in next to him. My head rests on his chest and my left arm drapes over his chest and my left arm drapes over his stomach.

"Thank you, Loki." I whisper and shut the lights off after allowing myself to create a small but if telekinesis.

"Anytime." He whispers. Loki starts to him to a song I'm not familiar with; my body relaxing completely before I slip into sleep.

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