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In the morning Ava woke up and the shard had now fallen silent, but the pocket of her onesie was slightly singed, she stood up and stretched before running a hand through her hair and walked to the shower. She pulled off her onesie, put her music on and then hid under the hot water, she then got out and then got changed, picked up her gear and put the shard in her bag and drove down to the harbour where George and the team were waiting for her on a boat.

"Feeling better?" he asked.

"Yes," she nodded.

"How are my dolphins?" she asked.

"Good, but Mikey is stuck in a fishing net, we believe his snout has become trapped. He hasn't moved all day." He said.

"Okay get me out there!" she called in a demanding manner. The boat was started and they took off, but Arthur was running towards her and ran across the gangplank after her and kept calling for her.

"Ava! Stop! You're putting yourself in danger." he yelled but she couldn't hear him and she wasn't paying attention she was too busy tracking the dolphin as it was beginning to panic. They soon reached the location that the dolphin was at, and she pulled on her diving gear and went under looking for Mikey, Arthurs brother could sense she was near. As she descended she saw the struggling dolphin, she stroked along his back and fin and he seemed to calm down.

She began to cut the net around his snout carefully and once he was free he gave her a thank you squeal, she grabbed his fin and he took her to the surface but before she could make it to the top a hammerhead shark with a rider gripped her ankle and began to pull her under. She began to panic and tried to reach for the distress signal on her wrist but as the shark was pulling her down so fast she couldn't reach it. Arthur had entered into the water and had been swimming after her boat.

He could hear someone in distress in the water and began to swim in the direction, once he reached the area he saw Ava being dragged down by the shark and began to swim towards her, her mask was beginning to crack as were her oxygen tanks. The respirator had been knocked out of her mouth by the force, the pressure was beginning to get too much and she passed out, the rider smiled to himself, the rider and shark swam off leaving her there.

"Ava!" he yelled, she didn't respond, he swam as fast as he could to her, he put an arm around his neck and swam as fast as he could to the surface, he completely missed her boat and took her to shore, he lay her down on the sand and began to check her over and realised she wasn't breathing.

"Ava! Please!" he called over and over as he began to do CPR on her but she still hadn't given him any response. he was beginning to worry he may have been a little too late.

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