Chapter 2 - The mystery door.

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I slept without dream. Just agitated. Of course, we had each a room, each in a different upstairs. My uncle had his sequel to the first. Mom and dad were in one of the rooms on the second. My little brother was offered a bed in the upstairs of the top. And I was spun a maid's room in fourth upstairs. The "mystery door", as I called it now, was right above me. This room, where we were forbidden to go. In spite of me, she kept coming back to my spirit.

"Don't think to it, don't think to it !" I said to me. " It just a door, with a room... Don't think to it ! " These sentences were turning in my head, again and again. 

After a moment where I turned around my bed, I decided to go down. On the ground floor, my mom called me :

- Oh hello my sweetie ! How are you ?

- I'M FINE !!! I'm fine...

Why I had screamed ? "Don't think to it !".

- Oh ! It's okay so ! Look that room : It's so beautiful. I Love really that castle with the wall, the wood... It have a lot of charm ! I wonder if...

She were speaking again when I left. I was completely in the forest but suddenly I heard a noise. Between the trees, I saw my uncle walk very fastly. Something down from his jacket. He don't see it. I approached slowly and picked it up. It was a medaillon. Round but with a small gold car on the top. A little yellow car. The door. I don't know why. The door. The medaillon. With the yellow car. Exactly like our yellow car. Can open the door. I'm sure. I don't know why. Fastly. The door. My heart beat a lot.

I ran into the forest, zigzagging through the branches of the trees, trying to not fall. Quick. The door. I went back into the gigantic manoir, climbed the steps four by four, passed doors and doors, all the same, arrived on the fifth and last floor, plunged through the dark, tapped the red carpet, crossing again and again the longest corridor. The door. The door was here, just in front of me. The door attracted me.

The door. The door was here, the door who I wasn't going to reach, closer, always closer, I was getting closer, a little more, step by step, the big steps. The door was here, it was waiting for me, wisely, it didn't move, peaceful. The door was here. 

I reached out my arm, the medallion wasn't in my hand, it was melting in the wood. The door.

 I touched the smooth and cold handle and pulled hard. The door. The door was opened. THE. DOOR. WAS. OPENED. I did one and only step and, and... AND

  - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  



"Our perfectly holidays", a story from Clarisse Sébilo.

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