Chapter 36: Forever A Dreamer

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"Thank you Sir, and it was nothing. Vance is really important to me, I hate seeing anyone hurt him" smiled Zaavan, slightly blushing. 

My heart soared, I couldn't be happier.

"Huh, well I for one was not expecting this. I mean Vance dating a boy? I did not see that coming," teased Carlisle, earning a warning look from dad. "But hey, you do you man, I'm cool with whatever makes you happy. And Zaavan is a pretty great guy so don't blow it."

It felt as if everything was finally falling into place and I was more than grateful for all of the amazing people that I had in my life.

Especially Zaavan.

"By the way," started Carlisle, interrupting my thoughts. "Since Zaavan is clearly an important part of your life, do you want to tell the twins that the two of you are dating?"

What Carlisle said made sense. They'd eventually figure out that we were more than just friends. But that didn't mean that they'd take the news well.

"Are you sure it won't be too confusing for them?" said Zaavan reluctantly.

"There's nothing confusing about this at all. You're two boys who like each other, simple," he stated firmly.

"If you're okay with it..." I hesitated.

"Vance, listen. I want my kids to grow up in a safe and accepting environment where they are free to express themselves and explore and learn about different ideas and perspectives without unnecessary censorship. It's how they will grow. I don't want them to grow up being controlled and told that there is only one right answer for everything. Not like how we grew up living in fear and controlled by mom," he said gently.

I thought about it for a minute and decided that he was right.

"Okay then, let's do it," I agreed. Either this was going to go really well or end badly. There was no in between.

The three of us made our way to the living room where Arrow and Archer were playing hide and seek with Jason.

"Boys, come here for a minute. Sit down, uncle Vance has something he wants to tell you two."

I glared at Carlisle. Damn it, every time he said uncle it made me feel so old.

The twins sat down on the sofa while Jason, who had already guessed what this was about sat on an armchair near Zaavan, ready to jump to his brother's side if needed.

Ever since Zaavan tried to take his own life, Jason was hyper alert, constantly looking for signs that Zaavan might be having suicidal thoughts again. I don't blame him, I was doing the same. My eyes constantly drifted to his arms, checking for new cuts.

I couldn't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for Jason, finding his brother hanging himself. Truth be told, no one saw it coming, nor did they know what was going on inside his head and that was terrifying.

We almost lost him and that is something that I am never willing to risk ever again.

" both know that Kennedy used to be my girlfriend right?" I asked the twins. They both nodded. "Well, I don't have a girlfriend anymore, I have a boyfriend now."

They both gave me confused looks, so I  continued.

"Because when two boys like each other, they kiss and hold hands just like they would with a girl..." I was rambling, unsure as to what I should say.

"Is it Zhang?" Arrow suddenly asked.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Is Zhang your boyfriend?" he clarified. "Because Zhang is really cool!"

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