Hoyt's plan

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"Hoyt, give up!" Jane demands.

"Why? I have three hostages, all of whom I'm willing to kill," A smirk is present in Hoyt's voice.

"Don't hurt Lucy!" Maura pleads. Hoyt pulls the van over and quickly unbuckles, heading to the back with Lucy and a scalpel. The scalpel scrapes Lucy's neck and causes her to shiver and shake.

"Janie, Doctor Isles, don't move an inch," Hoyt's voice is soft and sinister. He pushes Lucy between Jane and Maura, but keeps her back a little so he can clearly see if Jane or Maura don't listen and move.

"Hoyt! We know you in there! Come out with your hands up!" Frost's voice excites Jane, Maura, and Lucy, but is soon crushed by Hoyt.

"Or, you let us go and I don't kill Lucy, followed by Maura, and lastly Jane, sweet Jane," Hoyt smiles at the girls, whom have glanced his way. Their faces of disbelief clear.

Sunlight flashes in the back, blinding Jane, Maura, and Lucy just for a moment. Hoyt was smart and expected the light. Lucy gasps as the scalpel pierces her skin. Warm blood trickles down her neck, but Lucy takes not it is not deep enough to kill her, yet.

Frost and Korsak have their guns drawn, but because of the position, the guns are aimed towards the ground.

"Leave or else," Hoyt warns the detectives. Frost and Korsak dot move. "I warned you." with their Hoyt quickly slices Lucy's throat and then moves behind Jane and slits hers. Jane falls to the ground and Frost takes that moment to shoot Hoyt, knocking him out.

"GET THE PARAMEDICS!" Maura screams as she grabs the bandages in the van. Maura checks and sees the cuts are not too deep to kill Lucy, unless by blood loss, so Maura wraps the bandages around Lucy's neck tight enough to stop the bleeding a little, but j it enough to suffocate her, Maura then does the same to Jane's neck.

The paramedics arrive and take away Jane and Lucy. Frost holds Maura as tears stain her face.

"What if he killed them?"


sorry short, I have writers block for this story....

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