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Paddy stopped the van at a house. This house is in a neighborhood, a small one, but a neighborhood none the less. Paddy opens the garage door and pulls in.

A couple of men flash out of the house and Paddy slides out of the car.

"You men get my daughter and HER daughter," he hisses at saying daughter about Lucy, "I've got the detective here." Paddy turns to Jane with an evil smirk plastered on his face. Paddy slides the door open and unbuckles Jane before grabbing her arm, roughly pulling her from the car.

Jane puts up no fight and Paddy pulls her to the attic. Jane sees two chains hanging from the wall and knows already, Paddy is going to put her there.

As Jane thought, Paddy leads her to the chains. One of the ice cold cuffs engulfs her right wrist and Paddy pulls out a knife and cuts the zip-ties on her wrists. Paddy slides the other ice cold cuff on her left wrist and Jane just lets it happen.

Paddy chuckles as Jane lets her head fall onto her collar bone. Her eyes closed and silent tears spilling from her eyes.

Two men lead Maura and Lucy, whom are clutching each other with zip-tied hands, into the attic.

"Jane," Maura gasps, "are you okay?" Jane doesn't say anything, only look up at Maura with her tear stained eyes.

"Aunt Jane, you can get us out, can't you?" Lucy asks in a small voice, wriggling out of her mother's grasps. Lucy runs over to Jane.

"Lucy, get away from Jane or I'll have to hurt her," Paddy warns. Lucy looks to Jane as she walks to her mom.

"Paddy, let the three of us go. Please Paddy. Or let Jane and my daughter go. Paddy, I'm begging you," Maura begs grabbing her daughter into her arms.

"No Maura! Now stop asking!" Paddy screams at Maura. "I'm getting you three a babysitter." Paddy turns to Jane, "Jane already knows him. He won't hurt you unless you misbehave. Maura, you know him too. Lucy on the other hand will be meeting him for the first time." Paddy smirks and leaves the room.

"Jane, don't give up, Jane please."

Almost an hour later and Jane hasn't said a word. Maura has stopped trying to get her to talk. The door opens and a man walks in.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER YOU MONSTER!" Maura screams at the man. Jane looks up, sees the man, and begins to tremble. This makes the man smile.


AN: who do you think the man is?

Maura's Family. (Rizzoli and Isles)Where stories live. Discover now