Maura upset

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"Mom, I'm here." A thirteen year old girl skips into the morgue. "Mom?" The girl walks over to her mom's office to see three people, one being her mom, talking in hushed tones. One of them is a male detective from homicide, and another is a female homicide detective, both of whom the girl knows well. "Hey, mom what's going on?" The girl asks. Her mom looks up to see her daughter with a puzzled face, her backpack now hanging on a single shoulder.

"Oh hey Lucy," her mom says. "Sorry I have to get back to work. I'm going to examine the body again."

"Maura," The female detective starts. "you've already gone over the body," she sighs.

"I want to do it again," Maura starts walking out of the room, "for Collins." she adds before shutting the door behind her.

"Aunt Rizzoli, what's wrong with mom?" Lucy asks, dropping her backpack down next to the door.

"Um, I better go with Maura," Detective Rizzoli tries. The male detective stops her.

"Leave her be, the best thing for her is to work." Detective Rizzoli nods. "The best way for us to help her is to solve this murder."

"Tell me what's going on," Lucy pleads. Detective Rizzoli looks from her colleague to Lucy.

"Vince, should we tell her?" Vince shakes his head.

"Jane we should get back to the case," Vince turns to Lucy, "Maura should be the one to tell you. Keep your eye on her." Lucy nods. Jane and Vince exit her mom's office to head back up to their desks. Lucy sighs and plops down on her mother's couch.

She looks through a window to her mother finishing up looking at the body. Her mother's body is not up strait like it normally is, and this worries Lucy. Lucy gets up from the couch and heads to the door as her mother slips her gloves off and starts to wash her hands.

"Mom, please tell me what's wrong, I want to help you." Maura looks over at her daughter.

"Before I start I have to tell you. I love that I adopted you six months ago. it was one of the smartest things I've ever done in my life. I too was adopted, and my birth father is back. -" Maura is cut off by the beeping sound of a truck backing up. "Hold that thought." Lucy nods, knowing work calls her mother away.

Maura and Lucy don't notice Maura's phone buzzing on the autopsy table and Maura hit a red button near the back of the room to open doors for the body to enter. Maura slips through latex hanging at the door to stop flies from entering.

A small scream quickly cut off alerts Lucy of trouble. "Mom, are you okay, or did you trip again on your heals?" When no answer comes Lucy glances around for her phone.

A deep voice comes from beyond the door way, "You, daughter of this one, come here or we hurt your mom." Lucy's breath comes out shallow. Lucy takes shaky steps to the door way. She moves away some latex strips hanging from the ceiling. Lucy sees her mother, her wrists zip-tied together and a hand over her mouth. Maura's eyes show fear. "Come here little girl." The man holding her mom demands.

Lucy glances once again at her mother's eyes. Maura's eyes are telling Lucy to run, get away, go find Jane. "Hurry before I hurt your mother." the man uses one of his hands and starts to twist Maura's arm. Lucy sees the pain her mom is in by her eyes.

Runs to her mother. Lucy clutches Maura's arm and Maura holds Lucy. Another man comes forward from the shadows with more zip-ties. The two men pull mother and daughter from each other. A hand slips over Lucy's mouth. Maura is thrown into the back of the van parked in there, the door slammed thoroughly locking her in. The men zip-tie Lucy's wrists then throw her into the van.

The men get into the van and race off.


Jane races down to the morgue when both Maura and Lucy don't answer their phones. She sees the door open but doesn't hear people taking. What she does hear is a car starting and two girls screaming.

Jane races to the door just in time to see the van pull away and Maura and Lucy's faces facing towards her. They see her and scream even more.

Jane hears Lucy screams, "Aunt Jane save us," before the van is gone.

Maura's Family. (Rizzoli and Isles)Where stories live. Discover now