On the Hunt

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Frost immediately understood what Jane meant when she told them to follow her car, but stay there.

"Cameras." Frost turns to the computer in front of him and starts to type, soon Frost and Korsak see Jane getting in her car.

"Tell Cavanaugh, I'll keep my eyes on Jane." Korsak nods and races out or the room.

"Come in," Cavanaugh's  voice comes from behind the door. "Detective Korsak, what's up?" He doesn't bother to look up from his paper work.

"Maura and Lucy were taken from the morgue. Jane then got a phone call demanding she met the kidnappers somewhere. Cavanaugh, she went alone. They want her too," Korsak pauses, "Frost is following her car on cameras, but we don't know if this is our case or not. We promised Jane that Frankie wouldn't be put on the case though sir, if case we can't find them in time... Is this our case sir?" Korsak stops himself from going on a nervous rant. This was the first time both Jane and Maura were taken. (note this is season 1, Hoyt is still alive and after Jane, but is in jail)

"Yes, your case, but if needed I will put Frankie on. Also, no unnecessary risks. I know we need to get all three back safely, but we need to keep them safe too." Korsak nods, he then gets up and heads back to Frost.

Jane gets out of her car and looks around and directly at cameras her partner is using. Both Frost and Korsak see the pleading for help in her eyes. Jane's shoulders sink down and she starts walking though the parking structure. She gets to section 2A and stops. Frost changes cameras so they can see what Jane is looking at. Paddy Doyle. Jane takes a couple more steps forward then stops again demanding something from Paddy, whom smirks in response. Paddy pulls Lucy from the van by her hair. Korsak notes Jane pale as she sees Lucy. Jane reluctantly goes over to Paddy, she's not standing up strait and its plain as day that Jane's given up.

"No Jane, don't give up," Frost whispers, just heard by Korsak.

Paddy zip-ties Jane's wrists and puts her in the passenger seat before taking off. Frost zooms in and gets the licenses plate.

"I need a bolo out on a Toyota 4500 licenses plate Mike, Alpha, Uniform, Romeo, Alpha, One. Take caution, two hostages are known to be inside, possibly a third," Frost yells over a radio. "Tell officers to not approach. The perp is Paddy Doyle and it is believed he is armed and dangerous. If a detective car spots the vehicle, they are to follow discreetly and call it in immediately."

"Copy that." Frost and Korsak sigh and get back to work.

"Let's get a warrant for Jane's phone so we know what Paddy told her," Korsak says to himself. Frost nods. Korsak exits the room.

"Come on, let's follow this car," Frost mumbles to himself. Crowe enters the room.

"Crowe, I want you to go tell Mrs. Rizzoli, Jane was taken and ask her if she knows why Paddy would take her." Frost doesn't look to see if Crowe is listening to direction or not.

Korsak races back into the room, "We have the warrant!" Frost types as fast as he can, connecting to the nearest cell tower and pulls up Jane's call with Paddy.

'I'll get you anything you want.'

'Okay, it's a deal. I want you Jane, you. You're to come to the west side parking structure.'

'okay, I'll do it."

'and meet me in section 2A,'


'section 2A'


'without you gun, or phone or anything that you can use to escape or hurt me. I have Maura and Lucy so I'd you don't want them hurt you'll do as I say. You're going to be my insurance to get Maura and Lucy to do as I say. you have 20 minutes'

' okay, bye'

"So, that's what Paddy wants. He wants to use Jane as a dummy. We have to find them fast or Jane may not be alive. He doesn't care what happens to her." Crowe come back into the room.

"She has no idea, how can I help?" Crowe demands.

"we need to figure out some way to get Paddy and his underlings away from them." Frost starts to pace.

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