Chap 11-The death upon me finally happened

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Aki's P.O.V
I woke up in my bed, trying to remember what happened, oh yea I saw Cordelia, cried because of Ayato, and then blacked, I get up and and change into my school uniform, because looking at the time, I have 30 minutes till, I then head down stairs to see the brothers already eating, but no Yui, I walk in there "Ohayo guys" I say while stretching, everyone replied back except Ayato, to be honest I still wanted to cry, who care that I'm 15 and he is 17, I like who I like but I know he likes Yui, I just walk to the table with a sad expression "Nfufu~ Cutie-chan please smile" I look to Laito and give a smile, but I was still hiding emotions, 'maybe I'll have to forgot' we finish eating and head out "Hmm, still no sign of Chichimashi, huh?" Ayato says with a sad look, Subaru just pulls me to him and hugs me, Ayato looks over and noticed "Tch, stop getting so lovey dovey you weirdos" he said, I just drowned him out, hehe I'm on my...thing that girls get on every month, so I'm emotional "Shut up" Subaru yells and walks me out to the limo, the rest finally come out with Yui.
Yui was awfully quiet, she was sitting in Ayatos lap with a huge blush, that probably shut her up, "Hmm~ Cutie-chan seems quite jealous, here" he picks me up and sits me on his lap, I don't fight back, he wraps his arms around my waist and I just lay back, he was in quite shock because I usually just fight back, Ayato looked pissed but heh serves ya right, I kind of wanted this to last because to be honest every one hates Laito, but before Ayato he was my crush, 'but again like Yui said I'm a 'slut' but she can go f~' my thoughts were cut off by all of the fan girling, you know the girls actually like me, but they still hate Yui, which is ok, Kanato and Laito grab my hand, I'm guessing Subaru told them, and they walked me to class, I wasn't gonna fight back like I said, I'm just blank right now, 'so this is how a heart break feels, like emptiness' I slightly chuckle at that thought.
   When we make it to class, I do meh usual and sit in between Subaru and Laito, since I have Homeroom with them, "So, I've probably been getting on your nerves with the 'Cutie-chan how about Tenshi~Chan, it means 'Angel'" I look at Laito with a strange expression and lightly knock on his head "Hello, is Laito in there, I would like to speak to him" I say and he chuckles, Subaru wasn't paying attention, "It's me, it's just your going through a rough time, so maybe I should be nice" he smiles and I blush "o-okay" I turn back to the class, then to Subaru "Hey you ok?" I ask and he just shrugs "C'mon Suba-kun, it's yes or no" he blushes at me calling him Suba-kun, he just nods, the bell then rings and we go to next class...which...I...have...with...Ayato.I walk there and see him talking to Yui, laughing and smiling, I smile to myself but feel a pain in my heart 'maybe they would be better' I sigh and walk to my seat, Kanato walks up to me, he smiles, not creepy, not crazy, but a sweet smile "Hello Aki-chan, how are you?" I smile "Good Kanato, how about you?" he just nods, and he sits down, Ayato also sits beside me, he passes me a note

'Whatever I did, please forgive me, or can I know'

I crumble up the note...I feel bad but I just don't want to talk, he looks at the board sadly
Time skipu... brought by a cute Kanato and a non-pervy Laito

The bell rings and we all head to lunch, I see everyone and sit with them, but Ayato sits with Yui somewhere, I don't eat, don't feel like it "Miss Aki, I know you are hurt, but please eat" I smile at Reiji and nod, but I only chew on one piece and the bell rings I shoot up and head to the limo, yea weird huh...lunch at the end of the day.We all get in and I was bored so I sat back in Laitos lap, I know, when all of this is over I'll pay for it, he just simply blushes as usual but I don't mind,it was quiet, like it usually is, you couldn't even hear breathing, I was confused why is the atmosphere so...awkward.
When we make it home I run back into my room and play some music, but it dies "Dammit, everything goes wrong" I lay down, but suddenly feel arms on me, I turn and see Shu, I snuggle to his chest and feel him smirk, but I soon fall asleep because I was to tired from crying.
Normal P.O.V
Every one was doing there things, but they felt the presence of a certain someone, 'she is back' they thought, they wanted to protect Aki, but didn't want Yui to die, yea they didn't like her, except for Ayato and Laito... but they weren't supposed to kill her anyway "Oi, Yui where are you" Ayato yells while entering her room, he was worried about her, but the girl he loves is hurting, but he doesn't know why...but he can't choose on the other hand YUI...AKI which one, he goes to the balcony to see Yui, standing on the ground with Richter while walking into the house.
Laito was playing darts, Shu sleeping, Kanato talking to teddy, Reiji reading, Aki sleeping, but Aki didn't feel this weird presence, as after all she was a mortal, she tossed and turned in her sleep, murmuring stuff, Shu then shakes her and she slowly opens her eyes, "Hey you ok, you were murmuring random stuff" she slightly looked, scared but more traumatized, she nods and get out of bed, having a bad feeling about her sister.
Everyone walks into the living room, seeing Reiji being kissed, but she then slapped him from something he said, Subaru almost got hurt, but caught his fall and Ayato was up there protecting Yui, of course because he probably loved her, that thought crossed the poor little 13 year old girls mind, she giggle a little, silent enough so that no one heard her, she clutched her chest, scared that her sister might die, even though it wasn't her real sister, Yui did also ruin her life, but she cared a lot for Yui,
Aki's P.O.V
I walk into the living room seeing all of this, I get close to the stairs, just in case I need to run up there "Aki, please back up" Subaru says with sorry in his voice "It's my sister, I'm not scared" he shook his head "Cordelia is dangerous" I basically drown him out as I see Ayato, about to be stabbed in the shoulder, I quickly run up there, "AYATO~KUN" I yelled as I jumped in front of Richter, feeling the blade pierce though my stomach, he stares in shock, "AKI" the brothers, including Ayato yell, I smile "My dream...has...come true" I smile, then everything goes black, 'this is the end' I thought and slowly faded away.

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