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Chanyeol's POV

We waited a few minutes before getting in the plane. I helped Baekhyun walking since he couldn't see anything. Passengers were looking at us, smiling and wondering what I'd planned out. Some of them were taking photos of us.

Once we got in, Baekhyun was still asking me where we were going.

"Is it Jeju Island?" he asked as I helped him sit down.

I put our carry-on overhead before sitting as well.


He pouted, before yelling a bit.

"Chan, you'd better tell me now or else—".

I delicately untied the blindfold. He rubbed his eyes a bit, before squinting. He then looked at the screen.

"A— wait I can't see."

He got closer and opened his eyes.

"American Airlines? Departure to San Francisco in 20 minutes?"

He opened his mouth before looking at me.

"Surprise!" I said, smiling.

He grinned before violently hugging me.

"Ah, you!" he said, nuzzling against my arm, excitedly. "I can't believe this."


We had a safe flight. Since the flight was over 12 hours, we kept eating and watching movies together.
Baekhyun seemed so peaceful and relieved. He was finally able to see his family after such a long time, to see his mother and take care of her. It reassured me a lot as well, because I didn't want him to regret everything and to be sorrowful. He deserved to be happy, that's what I wanted for him the most.

In the mid of watching an umpteenth movie, he fell asleep. I couldn't blame him. The last few days had been quite tough for him. So he would sleep and take naps quite a lot, just like an hibernating bear.

I looked at him. His features were so beautiful. How could one look so handsome and soft when sleeping?

After the plane landed, Baekhyun was the one leading me, since he knew San Francisco's airport best. I had never been to California, and it was honestly a bit exciting.
After being given our luggage back, we walked out and an unfamiliar figure was standing, waiting for us.

"Baekbom!" happily shouted Baekhyun before hugging his brother.

They held each other for a moment before pulling away.

"Little bro, it's been such a long time," he said before patting his back.

Baekhyun smiled before nudging him.

Baekbom then came toward me before bowing.

"Byun Baekbom.
- Park Chanyeol."

We shook hands and he smiled.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you."

I smiled along before bowing a bit.

"Baekhyun told me a lot about you. You really are his role model.
- Me?" he chuckled. "No way, that idiot would always get the best grades. He's so smart," he looked at his brother before ruffling his hair. "And now he's getting married. Time flies so fast. Anyways, let's go, Mom and Dad are waiting."

He helped us carry the luggage to his car.

Baekhyun tapped my shoulder before whispering.

"Chan, how does he know? You told him?" he asked, surprised.

"I HATE HIM " | CHANBAEK  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now