Prologue: Texas

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- 1994, the most notorious, known, dangerous gang in the US has just arrived in Dallas, Texas looking for trouble.

- Bill Rodgers, soon to be father, soon to be victim.

*bills POV*

Walking home late from the local Walmart having just bought all the packaged candy you could think of because my wife that I love oh so much, at 6 months pregnant, has yet again gone into a sugar craving phase.

As I walk down the street, the lights are oddly dim and the streets are extremely empty. Of course my train of thought lead to a football game being on tv that I somehow missed, I panicked, wondering which teams are playing and what the score was, I didn't even notice myself turn down a narrow alley, an unfamiliar shortcut home, and that night as a black cat scooted by hissing at eye contact, led me straight to the windows of the biggest drug smuggle ever witnessed. I recognized who they all were, who wouldn't, this gang is always on the news with a new conviction but it is never proven and they are let go.

I couldn't help but stare through the glass as this gang loaded drugs, money and guns into kids piniatas. I kept watching forgetting about everything until the Walmart bag broke right out of my hands and a bag full of chocolate and sweets fell to the ground, the stupid plastic wrappers crinkling and crunching loud enough to hear, I tried pick it up quietly but someone turned toward the window and spotted me and my giant pile of sugar, I drop everything but a bag of twizzlers, because I know my wife will still be mad if I come home empty handed,  even after a night like this.

I started to run as fast as I could and I pulled out my cell to call 911 but before the phone could even ring once,  the phone was taken out of my hands and smashed into some random wall. I was  thrown to the ground and dragged into a different alley.

I was in complete panic mode, what if he kills me, I can't leave Anne-Marie, she needs her twizzlers. Still being dragged the person begins to  gag me  with something that tastes like car grease and kitty litter. He handcuffed me to a pole and took the gag out of my mouth.  I didn't scream, I knew it wouldn't help.

I read somewhere that if you tell somebody who's about to kill you everything personal about yourself they are less inclined to actually kill you.

"Please don't kill me, my name is bill Rodgers. My wife, Anne-Marie Rodgers, is at home 6 months pregnant with my first child, a little boy that I'd really enjoy to see grow up, I am a doctor and Im really not ready to die, please."

Its so dark I could barely get a good look at the man but the more he stared at me and the more I stared at him he looked more and more like a boy, 19-20 maybe. You could tell he belonged to the gang because of the tattoo on his chest, with two green and red snakes one on each shoulder facing twisted the middle fighting over a diamond with the words 'live and let die' spread under the snakes.

you could  see from his eyes that he didn't want to be apart of this kind of crowd so he's probably somebody's son. The boy didn't say much, he just asked
"What did you say your name was?"
and from the gun he was holding in his hand I answered.

"Bill--bill Rodgers."

He just kept watching me as if he was making sure I wasn't lying.It's been five maybe ten minutes and all he said when letting me go was

" I know you and I seen your face Bill Rodgers, this is me saving your family and one day your gonna save mine. Remember this."
He said pointing a tattoo on the back of his wrist of a small hand the size of a newborn baby with the letter 'J' hollowed out of the middle.
And with that he vanished  into the shadows and I never saw him again.

I picked up the twizzlers from in front of me and I ran home to my wife who was probably wondering where the hell her candy was.




As I rushed into the house I found Anne-Marie  already asleep on the couch cuddling with an empty tub of nutella. I carried her upstairs and tucked her into bed full well knowing that we cant stay in Texas. Looking through some house listings online I Soon decided to move as far away and as fast as possible.




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The bad boy living in my backyard( slow updates)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant