chapter 1: breakfast of champions

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Taya was out the door before I could stop her.

"Taya come back, you're better then this" I yelled

She just kept walking, before I knew it she was in the car pulling away.


I ran outside and jumped on my bike, peddling as fast as I could trying to chase after her

"TAYA!!" I yelled again tears rushing down my face.

I pushed on my breaks as I heard a squeal not to far ahead.

I peddled faster and faster only to catch up to Taya and witness the most painful moment I have ever lived.


I wake up with tears streaming down my face, waiting to be comforted by the one person who I knew could help. I look up only to find her bed across the room empty as it has been for the past three months.

I look at my phone to see it's 6:00am, what a great time to wake up on a Sunday morning. I slowly climb out of bed to see what that noise was and as I open my door I hear it again.


I wipe the tears out of my eyes and pick up the pace, running down the stairs only to see Mac and the twins giving their best attempt at pancakes and bacon. Pancake batter was everywhere, bacon pieces charred in a pan, not to mention the peanut butter smeared all over the counter, the fridge and all over Tommy and Ty's face.

"Mac, what in the hell---"

I pause as ty pops up from under the counter

"Hello Ty, where's Tommy?" I asked

Out of nowhere Tommy sneaks up behind me and pokes my back. A little scream escapes my mouth as I jump around to find tommy laughing behind me. Mac and Ty join in soon after,  leaving me standing there, over tired and startled out of my mind.

I walk over to the counter, grab a mug and a k-cup of French vanilla coffee and plug them into my keurieg. I turn around to face Mac and the twins.

"So, what are you guys even doing, it's 6:15?" I ask grabbing my coffee from the counter and bringing the smooth liquid to my lips.

" don't you remember?" Ty says

" dad got a promotion so--" tommy gets cut off by Ty

"Were making him breakfast!!"

"Ty, you cut me off that not fair, Mac said I could tell Tess" tommy yells and throws a banana peel at Ty. Ty peels the banana off his face and try's to throw it back at tommy, but fails miserably when it lands in the bowl of batter.

Mac just stood there laughing and probably recording it to his snapchat, typical 14 year old. 

As the twins started to run at each other I stuck my hands out and caught both of their heads, leaving them running in place against the force of my arm. I am always the referee.  

I told the boys to go clean up and that I would handle breakfast. Mac wasn't really dirty so he just sat at the breakfast bar and watched me cook.

I scraped the bacon off of the pan, grabbed a new pack from the fridge and started from scratch. Before I could keep cooking, I plugged in my phone and put my music playlist 'twerk' on shuffle.

Before I know it I'm stirring chocolate chip pancake mix and jamming out to devil by cash cash.

Me and Mac were twerking it out singing along to all the lyrics

I been dancing with the devil, he was always good to me

And I've been walking in the shadow of a friendly enemy

But now I'm fucking rocking, living in the moment

Shoulda known that you would bring me down

Yeah, I been dancing with the devil, like, oh, oh, oh, oh

The Cash Cash make my ass bounce back

As Mac and I were dancing he grabbed his phone and a handful a flour. When I turned around from pulling the bacon out of the oven a huge white cloud flew into my face.


between coughing up flour and laughing, I couldn't even find the words to describe how I felt, a huge wave of happiness just blew over me.

"I will get you back for this, this will not be forgotten!!" I screamed

I put the bacon down on the counter and cleaned out my eyes and what do I find when I look up? I see none other then my dad, Mac and the twins all laughing and video taping me.

Tommy yells out " Tess you look like ghost"

Ty adds in" a ghost whose been smoking!!"

Ladies and gentleman the humour of a pair of 4 year olds. I look like a smoking ghost.

"Thanks for the breakfast guys it looks like it's been a real team effort" dad could barely say without laughing uncontrollably.

Well guys if you find this so amusing I'm sure you'd love one of my nice big bear hugs. I start chasing after the twins running round and round the island until finally the both started to slow down, I pulled them both into my arms, rubbing all my floury self onto their hair and clothes.

Finally, the madness ended and after brushing myself off and setting the table, I served up breakfast. Everybody was so happy that I cooked. It is not understatement when people say I make the best pancakes there are to offer.

I told everybody to raise their glass full of orange juice.

" cheers to dad and his new promotion at work"

"Cheers" the boys all said in unison as we clinked our glasses and laughed.

Mac and I cleaned up breakfast, the kitchen and ourselves. When we finished we decided relax and watch tv.

We sat down on the couch and after the longest argument over the remote, it was decided against my will, that Mac got control. Mac was distracted flipping through the channels, so I decided, as revenge I would take his phone and find some good old fashioned black mail. I snagged the phone and tried 1234 as the pass code. I wasn't that surprised when it worked, he can barely remember his own birthday.

I was looking through his camera roll only to click on the last video recorded.

When I pressed play and started watching the earlier events from this morning, I couldn't help but smile.

" why?" Was all I asked

His attention turned from the tv to me and seemed quite baffled that I had swiped his phone and gotten the password.

Pointing at the screen, pausing it at the moment where I caught the twins and covered them with flour,

" I Haven't seen you smile like that in months" Mac said with an innocent little smile on his face. " I didn't know when I'd see it again"

As his smile grew, mine faltered and I suddenly lost all the joy I had felt that entire morning. Sadness just crept back in.

'Rriinggg riiinnngg'

The phone started to ring and all I could manage to say without choking on my tears was

" I have to get that"


It's been ages but I'm back!!  updates are now official!!

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