Chapter 2: Shortcuts

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The school week went by in a blur, by then it was already Friday morning and Brody was on her way to pick me up for school.

The sound of the car rolling up my driveway and the honk coming from her car got me up off the couch. I slowly trudged to the front door, throwing on some Converse and my maroon jacket since it was a chilly October day.

I seriously didn't have the motivation to go to school but then again no one did.

I couldn't wait till school was over so I could be left alone in my room for the rest of the weekend.

Another honk came from Brody's Direction. I quickly left the house and sped walked down the driveway to her car. I opened the door and slid in the passenger seat.

I was still a little bit nervous about being in a car after the incident that occurred 3 months ago. I usually let the thought slip to the back of my mind so I wouldn't have another panic attack.

"Hey girl, you good?" Brody asked as I looked out the window.

"Yea just tired." I say rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. The rest of the car ride was completely silent but I didn't mind it at all. Within minutes we were pulling into the schools parking lot.

Brody parked in our usual spot and took the keys out of the ignition. We both got out of the car and slammed our doors in unison. Brody came and stood beside me as we made our way into the school entrance.

"Hey, so I'll see you at lunch?" Brody asked as we got to my locker. I spun the code on my Lock and opened the locker door. I turned around to face Brody.

"Yea lunch sounds good. Where do you want to meet?" I asked as I pulled out my binder for first period

"How about my locker and we can go to Eddies for lunch." She said.

"Okay sounds good. See you at lunch Brody."I say waving to her as I made my way to class and she made her way to her locker.

Walking into chemistry class, Mrs. Doyle, was at her desk marking what looked like last weeks quiz. Other then her it was just me in the class. Saying a quick 'hi' I started to make my way to my seat.

"Tess may I please speak with you?" She said looking up from the quizzes. I nodded and made my way over to her desk.

"Now, I just finished marking the quizzes and I would like to talk to you about yours." She started. "You are aware that you are almost failing this class right?"

"What! What's my grade?" I asked. I didn't know I was doing bad in chemistry. I have never failed or 'almost failed' in a class before.

"You have a mark of 52% , You've failed the quiz we did last week and our last unit test. Now I know that the last three months have been rough for you but it's affecting your grades Hun, And I know you, You can do so much better.

I was about to speak but as soon as I opened my mouth, I got cut off as she continued on

"Now we will be having a unit test in the next 3 weeks. And I would like you to get at least a 75% but higher would be better. You may come in at lunch for the next three weeks if you want, and we can go over some things. Also if you do pass this test it should bring your mark up. What do you say?" She asked,

I stood there with a blank expression on my face, I honestly didn't know what to say. I knew she knew about what had happened but I wasn't going to start crying in front of her, so I simply gave her a weak smile and nodded my head.

I finally found words and said "Sure, do you think we can start tomorrow?"

"Yes that tomorrow's perfect. Now go have a seat, class should be starting soon." She said looking up at the clock.

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