Chapter 11

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Song: Mmm Yeah by Austin Mahone ft.Pitbull

Devan POV

There she was. 

I watched her from the otherside of the room as she glided through the throngs of people. Her beautiful black cloaked gown trailed behind her. Her curvy figure was a blessing to my eyes. But unfortunately she chooses to wear the most clean cut and tight gowns to these events. 

She looked like a dark angel flying through the crowds. Her blonde hair was tied up in a sharp bun. Her blue eyes were hooded by eye shadow and mascara. Her exquisite features were pale against the black hole she was creating. 

Her stilettos made a tapping noise while she swung her hips my way. I looked at her from behind my crystal glass filled with whiskey.

"Hello, darling." I smiled as she came over. Her crimson lips taunted me. "Anything to drink?" 

"Yes." She smiled and looked around.

"What are you looking for?" I asked as the butler brought me a glass of rich red wine. I handed her the glass. 

"Oh nothing." She looked at me. I looked around and caught the eye of the man I knew would come. 

"Oh Devine, did you honestly think I don't know what you are doing?" I grasped her tighter. 

"What?" She stuttered. Her delicious lips parting. Oh how I wished I could just have my way right now. 

"He's here." I whispered in her ear and let her go. 

"Chris." She stumbled over the name. I watched as she scanned the faces until she landed on his. 

"Darling, you are going to give them a show." I licked her earlobe. 

She shuttered. "How so." Her cooling tone asked.

"You see that stage up there?" I pointed. She nodded as I stroked her back. "Well there you go sweetheart." I pushed her slightly. "Your stuff is behind stage." 

"Dev." She whispered clearly embarrassed. 

"No Devine, you will obey." I sat and sipped my whiskey. 

She looked at me long and hard then with a raised chin stalked to the side of stage. I smirked. Even when she could not refuse, she did as I wished. 

I watched Chris's eyes follow her. I sighed. I knew what she would try and do. 

After about 10 minutes the curtains rose and I saw her. Leggings, heels, crop top. Looking dignified and poised as ever, she swirled her hips. Her movements were quick and fluid, nothing like what I had seen before. Tight circles. Harsh grabs at the pole. Pure and distinct power. Her back arching and thighs clamping, she moved effortlessly. I watched her in amazement. I looked over at Chris. He didn't even looked surprised. I groweled. So He knew. She was a minx. 

Her tight, taunt core was stretch and all of her was pulling against gravity. Her dainty fingers working their way down her stomach as she squatted and bounced. Her long finger nails dug at the tight pants and then she stood. Her entire performance was agile and powerful. No one could rival that. 

I watched her curtsy and run off stage. I watched the curtains fall. The men sitting around me chuckled and elbowed me, claiming I had a keeper. I smiled and began chatting. 


Devine POV

I've never been so caught up in a performance before. I smiled and quickly dressed. I ran out again and smacked into a hard wall of muscle. 

"Chris." I smiled and he ushered me into a library. 

"Devine." He crushed me in a hug. "Are you okay?"


"Has he hurt you?" Chris wiped my cheeks. I shook my head. "Oh Baby I can't believe I found you." He kissed me long and hard. 

"Oh Chris." I sighed into him. "Oh I've missed you." 

"Devine, I can take you home, right now." He looked at me. "We can figure this out. Together." 

"Chris, he will just find me again and it will be worse for you." I sighed and played with his hair. "I know him better than anyone else. I will change him and come home to you." I kissed his chin. "I miss you baby." 

"I miss you too," He smiled. "I love you."

"I know." I smiled and gave him one last lingering kiss. "Here, take my phone. Put your number in, and hide it under a different name." 

"Okay." He did this quickly and handed it back. 

"Brit?" I looked at him funny. 

"He'll  never guess that." he smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"You are right." I smiled and kissed him one last time. "Wait for me?"

"Always." He smiled. "I love you baby."

"I love you too." I turned and walked out. I walked straight to Devan and sat with him. 

"Good job baby." He growled. I looked at him. 

"Thank you." 

He leaned in closer. "Remember. if you try to get to him, I will destroy him." 

A chill crawled up my spine. 

"You Are Mine." 

To Love a MonsterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz