Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"You should have just let Kagura fight me."

Millianna's eyes suddenly flashed dangerously.

"Is that what you think?" She whispered.

Gajeel's other arm prepared to hit her with an iron fist, but all of the sudden something wrapped around his wrist.

He looked down and caught sight of another one of the cursed ropes.

It was Millianna's turn to smirk this time.

She glanced to the side for just a moment and her eyes widened.

She flicked her wrist harshly and Gajeel's did the same, being pulled down away from Millianna's throat.

Gajeel growled and was about to attack, but Millianna leaped to the side in a very cat-like way.

Gajeel was pulled along by the surprisingly strong rope.

Gajeel felt something slam into him and he grunted.

Whatever it was wasn't very big...

He looked down and caught sight of Levy there, Kagura running after her and gaining ground.

Gajeel sent an iron fist Kagura's way, but the Gravity Mage increased the gravity (what a shocker) before jumping onto his arm and using the weight to push herself over towards Gajeel and Levy.

Gajeel grabbed onto his girlfriend and rolled to the side in order to avoid getting impaled by Kagura's blade.

"I'll take care of her, Levy," Gajeel growled out.

He took a step towards Kagura, but his foot was suddenly pulled back.

Gajeel teetered for a moment before he came crashing to the ground heavily.

He grunted and felt something almost as light as Levy land on him.

"Sorry, but you won't be doing that just yet," Millianna said before giggling.

"Why you little-"

Gajeel's face was forced onto the ground.

There was a hand on the back of his head.

"What was that? I didn't hear you?" Millianna asked, sounding innocent.

Gajeel growled and pushed his head up despite her hand.

She might be fast and nimble, but he had brute force on his side.

Gajeel, despite having both hands tied by Millianna's ropes, forced himself up to a sitting position.

Millianna made a surprised sound before pushing off him and standing on her own.

"Aww, Gajeel, Gajeel, Gajeel." She started to sigh and her head looked down with a sad expression.

"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this..."

She looked up and there was a smirk on her face, a hostile one.

"But I can't say I'm disappointed."

Something flashed through the binds that held Gajeel and... nothing happened?

Gajeel rolled his eyes and ran towards the girl, sending an iron fist her way-

Except her didn't.

It was just a regular punch.

One they Millianna easily ducked under.

Gajeel, his momentum carrying him forward ran right towards her.

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