January 15th

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*Dave's POV*

I was standing in the kitchen making sandwiches as Karkat sat on the couch singing and working on his college application.

"Closer, closer

And your close enough to lose

Close to the point where you know-"

It was a relaxing day and moment spreading the peanut butter on a slice of bread as I listened to the soft warm voice sing to me. He was really just singing to himself probably not even aware I could hear but when ever this happened I liked to pretend he was directing it to me.

"Dave what does me being in clubs have anything to do with this shit?"

He had been asking questions like that all day. I answered and hoped he would fall back into his singing trance.

I finished with the first sandwich and continued onto the next spreading jelly on one slice of bread and folding it with the empty other. Karkat had this weird thing against peanut butter.

"They looked into my eyes I became invincible

No one can stop me for only I am in control

If you want me you better contact my people

In my crown I am king

I love their endless worshiping

I am roar a dinosaur but I will never be extinct

So dont mess with me

Ill shoot-"

He looked up at me as I slid the sandwich in front of him


"Cause all your heads are gunna roll

I made your misery my goal

And if you survival kneel on my arrival

Cause this is how I rule the world"

Damn he held out the last word insanely long. At least longer than I thought his tiny air bags would let him. Though his yelling habits probably help with that.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"

"Your application."

He covered the screen with his arms and glared at me.

"Come on show"


"Why not?"

"Cause I said so you ignorant fuck."

"How am I lacking knowledge Karkat?"


"Come on just show me"

"No. Fuck off!"

"Why are you so against showing me?"

"Because I dont want to"

"Great agruing skills you should become a lawyer."

"Shut up Dick"





"Dave and I give up."

I put my hand on my forehead and pretended to faint onto his lap getting a nice long


The Roommate I Never Expected ( Davekat )Where stories live. Discover now