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"do you year yourself apart to entertain,
Like me?"

PART EIGHT: More than psycho

The psychotic laugh of the boy I thought I knew rang through my ears as he sped down the streets. "Don't worry, love, I'm not planning on hurting you. Unless you dissobey me. Okay?" I nodded even though he probably couldn't see it.

The next 15 minutes were silent except from the roaring of the engine. Dylan hopped out of the car and opened the door that was beside me.

"Listen here pumpkin." He grinned really obnoxiously. "I'm going to head right over there, see, over to that van and I'm gonna see if it can be started by hotwire. After that, if it can, we'll go back in the direction of the asylum because I forgot some things I'll need. People; if you will."

He blinked harshly and looked into my eyes. It was almost like something had taken the place in his head; Something dark. "If you try to pull any stunts during my journey I will find you're little twin friends and kill them in front of you. I'll be back to you soon. You should be thanking me."

During his speech I felt helpless. The darkness behind his eyes hushed me. I'm not one to be intimidated but Dylan could intimate anyone or anything.

He mentioned that he was possessed or something, I remember that much in a blur. He said to call him 'stiles'. Whatever that means.

Maybe if I don't look him in the eyes I can ask him some questions. I can always try. Everyone dies eventually, right?

"Wrong." I jumped and looked up to see Dylan with a smirk. "Scared, little one?"

"H-how, did I say that out loud?" My eyes widened at the thought of him knowing my plan. "No, but, let's just say I know what you're thinking." He chuckled.

"And- what do you mean 'wrong'. Everyone dies. It's a fact. There's no escaping it." I stare up at him with complete and utter confusion lingering in my eyes.

"Did anyone ever tell you that demons were fake? That possession was a hoax? I bet your mommy comforted you after you had nightmares telling you that it was all in your imagination and that you're safe." I didn't respond to his rambling.

"Well, let me tell you, little dove, that dark spirits, fallen angels, demons and possession is all real and around you." He leant down to my ear and whispered the next part.

"Right in front of you."


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out of my mind {richie tozier - finn wolfhard}Where stories live. Discover now