Chapter Ten

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         👑Dedicated to MACUALAY ABIMBOLA EVELYN 🏅👑.

TIME: 2:00pm 
Theme song : Sam Smith "Not In that way "      

             "A Monday with no bells"

       "Are you alright! Almost everyone turns up for that show!"
     It's a Monday morning, a spectacular sunny one, am not rushing to school no more ,my plans for the holiday are still not yet organized .Summer lesson in a school far from home obviously top of the bucket list, one or two parties, and I will try clubbing first time, I just have to find a perfect guy to accompany me in case something happens and we are in need of security , maybe Muna would love to come too.
       I wasn't prepared for the turn-down from Muna on the phone , Jeez! That girl can be so comfortable if she was the only one in the world, I haven't seen anyone so boring in party taste like MUNA, now she is on the phone stating a thousand reasons why Party life is dangerous, well asides from the rules and boring air hovering around her, she is an AMAZING person!, and for all the love she has shown to me this past weeks,i just wish her the best and only want to see her happy. I smiled away the dissapointment as we ended the conversation on a note to talk more on it face-to-face later in the week.
     My room was turn-inside-out, preparing to spend the weekend With MUNA, her Aunt's birthday is on Saturday and she is having a house party, the invite was immediately accepted as it was sent, the house has suddenly felt too lonely for me, My mom trying to bring her self away from the shock with Chief, she took up professional catering class in a bid to clear her mind off everything, she was staying away from me out of SHAME, not like I don't understand why she did what she did, but her reaction made me appreciate the space between us, when she is done hiding in the shadows,i will be there for her.
        I Cast a glance towards the gigantic teddy bear on my bed, Bright pink, I reached forth to feel it's soft cotton and with a sigh of disbelief, I wondered when my Father will stop seeing me as the little cute six year old,During my childhood days he spoilt me rotten, never took his eyes away from me for a second when am playing around in the house or with Chief's Sons, my mates started school when they clocked a year old, but my Dad's excessive Love and fear made me enroll at the age of three, his princess doesn't need to be stressed he would say. How time flies er! Growing up, he started dissapearing from home, busy busy busy! So our connection faded! faded! faded! away. The gifts are supposed to be an apology for the event that transpired, he said it was too much for me to take in, imagine! not like I care about the gifts, it's not going to be easy at all! to forget about all that had happened,and if he thinks buying me pink gifts can change a thing then he doesn't know anything about his daughter-at all!.   
       Am the last Person that thinks "spiritual" or believe in "Miracle", am not an atheist, it's just that I am the "seeing is believing" kind, so what ever miracle that happened in my family almost knocked me out of my senses. God sent us our own savior, someone I knew since childhood, someone I never got to stop crushing on, someone who left for school and ended our friendship, the son to the man who brought chaos to my family in the first place; Mayowa Bakare.
      The day Chief Bakare woke up was the most scariest Day of my life, I braced my self for the worst, my head already imagining life in the streets or back in the village where I have never been to, where my family had no worth in the name of I was a girl and the only child of my father, but he never cared. Mayowa came into the hospital, my eyes were glued to him, I was dumbstruck, I haven't seen him in almost seven years since he left to study in England,he hasn't changed much, he still had his dreadlocks neatly tied back with a band, his beards now clearly noticeable, those beautiful eyes and small lips, his dressed sense didn't change too, Hoodie and joggers pant wrapped around his enticing dark skin, oh lord! This guy was my favorite person back then!,I stood there drooling over him, he managed a weak smile and a short wave of his hand and strolled into his father's ward room with my father, while I stood in the hospital hall,pacing around, his smile was sending a message, I tried hard to interprete but my emotion, stress and weariness hovering around my head was stronger than my will to reason properly, I sat down waiting for hours, after the long wait my Dad came out, hugged me and whispered into my ears..
        "Everything is okay now princess, Mayowa has saved us, his father has forgiven us, you are trembling, come let me take you home,your mother will be waiting for us".
     And that's the only thing I have heard from my Dad concerning the Chief Bakare drama resolvement, I had to toss away any disturbing thoughts in order to concentrate on my exams, now am done with them, am getting to the bottom of this, I can't help but wonder, what crooked plans my Dad had agreed to with Mayowa and his father. I toss the last piece of cloth I folded Into the bag and quickly zipped it stirring my self from my thoughts.
        I wrapped my hand around the neck piece Mayowa got for me seven years ago, I never had the mind to take it off, it was like a part of Me, a part of the friendship we shared, the affection I had for him, his words of encouragement whenever I had felt like the world is crashing on me for being a family friend to the multimillionaire Chief Bakare, they called us gold-diggers behind our backs and smile widely when they are face to face with us. Mayowa has been the sweetest person to me back then, he mercilessly dealt with anyone that hurt me, he was five years older than me , I can't help but feel the maturity all over him, he was bigger, well-built ,his muscularity cant be ignored, and his more handsome, he promised to always be there for me, I never knew how serious that was until he showed up, but am more over-whelmed with anger for him, after seven years of zero communication,he just shows up like a super hero to save the day, how caring of him, am not the cute, naive girl anymore, I simply don't give a flying fuck about shits anymore! Nothing surprises me, and that way I remain the Iron lady.
     My phone rang noisily.
   Well-well-well! Thinking about the devil. I slide the receive icon swiftly
,pressed the speaker icon and dropped it on my bed while I changed to get into the bathroom.
      " Hello..Chioma" I groaned inwardly, how dare him make his voice so hoarse and alluring!
         "Mayowa-Good morning "
     "Good morning, hope you slept well?" I answered with a long silence, it's not his concern If I slept well or broke my neck in sleep, it's best if he goes straight to the point, and am sure he understands my silence, I am never answering the question.
       "O-kay, am guessing that's a yes, I heard you are done with exams, so I wanted to take you out for lunch or something.. You know..get to catch up on- "
        "if you think you can take advantage of the help you rendered to my family by catching up on silly old memories ,then am really sorry to disappoint you Mayowa that's not happening any time anywhere in this world" I heard the sigh as I imagine he is about to say something "once again..Thank you for helping us out of our predicament,we have nothing to discuss, if you would excuse me I have to take a shower.. Goodbye Mayowa"
        "No..wai-" a click silenced his sexy voice, I switched off my phone, tossed it on the bed , taking a deep breath-it was really necessary, I cleared him away from my mind and the thought that I might have sounded rude to the guy who saved my family, I dropped my towel, and strolled naked into my bathroom, I wished the shower could wash away the old time feelings.
   I just wish.

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