"If I'm one of his 'chip kids' then why isn't there a chip in my neck?" I deadpanned.

"Again, you expect me to believe that?" Synican asked.

"Oh please, don't tell me that you didn't steal an x-ray machine from someone," I said.

"Don't push it little miss sass," Synican sneered, grabbing an x-ray scanner off a nearby shelf. He turned it on and scanned my neck. Upon finding nothing, his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Didn't find what you were looking for?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh man, Davenport really is stupider than I expected," Synican said, and then turned to the security guards, "Get her."

Without skipping a beat, Synican's security guards charged at me. Using Lexie's shortness to my advantage, I ducked and rolled under their legs, tripping one of them in the process. As he hit the floor, the other two turned around and I got up. One of the guards charged at me, and I used his momentum to flip him over my shoulder. The third one caught my hand as I threw a punch, and as there was no way I was going to out-muscle him, I did the only logical thing.

Kneed him in the place where the sun don't shine and watched him crumple to the floor.

I turned to Synican, deadpanning, "That was pathetic." I lunged toward him. He ran the other way.

Deciding that pursuing Synican was probably a bad idea, I ran out of the room, bolting for any way out of the building. The problem with that, however, was that the building I was in was enormous and was probably intentionally built to give people like me trying to escape a hard time.

"Zoey you're back!" I heard Leo exclaim into my ear.

"I'm sorry I wasn't under the impression that I left?" I asked, turning a corner and narrowly escaping slamming into the wall in the process.

"You went into some place where the comm signal was blocked," Leo explained.

"So you're telling me that you missed the entire part where I exposed Synican, listened to him roast Uncle D, and then took out three of his guards?" I asked.

"I guess," Leo said, distracted, "Wait. You did what now?!"

"Can't you rewatch stuff on that thing?" I asked.

"Well yeah," Leo said, "Wait, why are you running?"

"We're you listening?" I snapped, "I exposed Synican and I really don't think he appreciated it."

"Well, I don't think I'll appreciate his roasts," Uncle D said, in the background, "At least you stood up for me, right?"

"Not a chance," I laughed.

"You're not making many friends today," Uncle D grumbled, "But the footage is downloaded."

"Great!" I said. I whipped around another corner, and then my head hit something very hard.

Whelp, that ended that.

Leo's POV

"Zoey?" I asked as the view from her camera fell. I turned to Big D.

"Did her com set fall off?" I asked.

The question was answered in due time when the camera rose again, focusing on the a face of Dylan Synican himself.

"You idiot," Synican said condescendingly, promptly smashing the camera on the ground.

"Zoey!" I cried. But it was no use.

"Wow," Big D said, "He really hasn't aged well."

"You're one to talk," I scoffed, "Besides, that's not the point!"

The Other Dooley 3: Secrets and Lies - Lab Rats Season 3Where stories live. Discover now