Chapter 1 : first day

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Dream&Will Building :

-JH : "it's alright Bae Joohyun, take a deep breath and don't forget that you'll be in charge of a team who will work with you for these next months. I have to be professional"

Joohyun entered the building, wearing the badge that was made for her, she was very proud of it. It was written on it her name as well as her fonction as "Writer and Editor in chief"

"The receptionist told me to go to the fourth floor, well... Mr Kim must be there waiting for me as she said"

Joohyun took the elevator where there was another handsome man standing with her. A silence surrounded them until they arrived to the third floor, but no one left the elevator.

"Maybe he's going to the fourth floor too ? If I remember well there are 8 floors and a rooftop"

The elevator went up to the 4th floor, Joohyun then left and the guy stayed in the elevator.

-Joohyun : "Have nice day", she said to the mister.
- ? : "Oh, yeah you too"

The elevator gone, the girl walked away heading down the hallway

"I'm still shy with guys, I wish I would change this aspect of my personality, because this year I want to date someone"

Someone appears right in front of Joohyun when she arrives down the hall

-? : "Unnie ! You're here !"
-JH : " Seulgi ! I'm happy to see you !" Joohyun took Seulgi in her arms
- Seulgi : "we were waiting for you"
JH : "Waiting ? You mean, I'm the last one to arrive ?"
-Seulgi smiling : "it's not a problem, we didn't begin the talk yet, we can't without our writer"
-JH : "Wahh I'm already feeling nervous"

The two girls walked further, from what Seulgi said, almost the entire fourth floor is is reserved to Joohyun's team. The 4th floor wasn't that used before, so the CEO gave them a big surface of it
They arrived to the office of their team, there was a guy waiting for them

-JH : "H-Hello"
-Seulgi : "Oh it's Kim Jongdae, he's a part of our team"
-Jongdae : "Nice to meet you, boss~" He let appear a shy smile
- JH : "boss ? No, I'm not the's--" Joohyun stopped talking as she saw the CEO Kim Youngjae behind Jongdae

-JH : "Hello Mr Kim, I'm sorry for being late !"
-CEO : " It's fine, now that you're here, I can finally make this production team official, right ?"
Seulgi has a large smile on her face, she has been hired as the drawer of the team, Kim Jongdae is responsible of publishing and sharing the comic, as well as selling it well, and making it as famous as possible, he must also be aware of all what happens on the net about the others competitors, and people's comments once the comic is released

- ? : "I'm here, sorry for being late"
Everyone turned around to find a young handsome guy out of breath

-JH whisper to Seulgi : " Who is he ?" But Seulgi's eyes were only seeing the new coming

-CEO : "Oh yeah, I forgot you"
-Jongdae : "he forgot him ??"
-Jimin : "I'm Park Jimin, I'm in charge of the co-drawing and the coloring". The CEO was going to answer Jimin, but a phonecall interrupted him, he had an appointment so he couldn't stay any longer

-CEO : "I've got another work to do now, I'm sorry to leave this quick, I just hope that you will answer my expectations, we always do a good and satisfying work at Dream&Will"
They were all listening to what the CEO had to say rapidly before leaving

The man who was with Joohyun in the elevator, went down to the 4th floor

- ? : "I'm bored... maybe this pretty girl is still here" he walked along the corridor before meeting the CEO who's direction was going to the elevator

- ? :"Oh good morning father ?"
-CEO :"Why are you here ? Didn't I give a work to do ?"
- ? :"you didn't... but I took the occasion to visit the building, it's pretty cool"
- CEO : " You're here to work, don't forget it, my secretary saw you trying to get closer to one of our female employees, remember me, who are you ?
- ? : "I'm Kim Junmyeon, the son of the CEO of Dream&Will company and" he smiled and took a good-looking face, then finished "I'm also the future CEO of this company"
Kim Youngjae frowned, it was apprently not what he wanted to listen from his son

-CEO : " Follow me"
- Kim Junmyeon : "Where ?"
-CEO : "I already told you, you're going to work here, but not the way you want for sure"
Junmyeon didn't really understand what his father meant, he followed him to the office of Joohyun's team

- CEO :"Everyone, my mistake... I'm getting old, I almost forgot the co-writer of the team"
- JH : "Co-writer ?"
- CEO :"What are you waiting for ? Present yourself !"
-Junmyeon : "wh-what ? Are you talking about me ??"
- CEO : "Do you see anyone else ?" He left before letting Junmyeon say anything
Junmyeon felt the eyes of the others on him, feeling uncomfortable, Jongdae couldn't handle his laugh, Seulgi sent him a look to make him understand it was impolite

-Jongdae while laughing : "it's just that... he looks like he doesn't know what he's doing here, plus he's the son of the CEO"
-Jimin : "Is it true, Mr ?"
Joohyun was upset that there was a co-writer in the team, something she didn' agree to

Joohyun took a cold look and asked : "Then, what's your name ?"
-Junmyeon : "I'm Kim Junmyeon, I'm..." he wasn't sure about what he was saying

Seulgi felt Joohyun's deception who went filling her files after hearing the words of Junmyeon

Hope you'll like this first chapter, even tho it's very simple. Sorry if there are some mistakes, English isn't my native language
I also hope the story to get more interesting with the chapters

EDIT : I accidentally erased the first lines of this chapter (it's about Joohyun preparing herself at her home) but I think it's better like, accidents can be useful xD, the other chapters will be longer and more interesting if you want to continue reading this fanfiction🙈💗


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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