The lights in the classroom flashed on brightly as Señora Frego turned them on with a bright smile & made her way back to the front of the classroom. "Alright Clase, turn to the person on your right and discuss your answers on the notes while I assess this email from Principal Moore." She said, turning to her computer screen & scrunching her face up as she read whatever Principal Moore had emailed her. I shrugged, turning to the person on my right that just so happened to be my friend Logan. He turned to me with a stupid grin & I smirked back, knowing we weren't gonna talk about the shitty notes. But then Logan's face dropped & he covered his grinning mouth with his hand, leaning back in his chair. "No way," He bellowed out which got the attention of the rest of the students in the class, "Harry Potter?! What happened to Ethan?!" Fuck, I forgot to take my glasses off. The whole class gasped while looking at me & started laughing at Logan's joke....& at me. Everybody was laughing while whispering & pointing at me, well, everybody except for Emma who was giving Logan a dirty look. I quickly snatched the glasses off of my face in embarrassment & ducked my head down. "What's wrong Chicken Little? Did you forget to pack your paper pants since you peed yourself in embarrassment?" I heard somebody taunt with a deep voice & I looked up to see that my "friend" Nash was the one who said it. Everybody laughed more & I felt my cheeks heat up as I clenched my jaw. I fucking knew this would happen.

"What's wrong little dick? Did you forget to pack your microscope when you went to jerk off? Is that why you're so mad?" I heard a feminine voice suddenly pipe up & I snapped my head upwards, looking directly at Emma being the one who said it. Everybody went silent for a moment before looking to Nash who was staring blankly into the distance with red cheeks, then the class erupted into laughter. "Olivia said it's true, he's only got five inches!" Alexis then shouted out, causing Nash to stammer out something incoherent & everybody laughed harder at him. I looked to Emma who was smiling at me & I smiled a tiny smile back, mouthing a 'thank you'. She nodded & turned to look at Nash, a light laugh erupting from her at him. "Clase! Cállate (shut up)! No more of that," Señora Frego started, "we have a guest who is going to come in and speak to us about an issue that seems to be common lately. So if you please be respectful of him, considering he is your principal." Everybody got quieter as Principal Moore walked in & greeted us, before taking Señora Frego's place at the front of the classroom.

"So it has been brought to my attention that there are a lot of students at the moment who feel depressed for their own reaso-" Principal Moore started but was cut off by Aaron stating, "I want to kill myself." Aaron stood up with his hand raised as he stated that, making everybody laugh. "Of course you do Mr. Carpenter. Now sit down please." Principal Moore said with sarcasm dripping from his voice. The principal then cleared his throat & continued, "Depression is a mental disorder where you feel there's no hope except for dea-" He was interrupted by Aaron again, "That's exactly how I feel. Can I die now?" His question earned another laugh from everyone & Principal Moore sighed. "No. Now depression can be cause by many things; rape, death of a loved one, abuse and many more." Principal Moore stated & my head perked up at the mention of abuse. "I'm not going through any of those but I still want to kill myself." Aaron stated proudly. "Okay Aaron." Logan laughed while saying. "I think Aaron needs help." Summer said, playfully punching Aaron's shoulder. "I think Aaron needs an asylum." Kian stated, making everybody chuckle. "Everybody! Did you hear what I said?!" Principal Moore exclaimed. "You were talking about suicidal thoughts and I kept saying that I have them but you don't care." Aaron answered loudly, crossing his arms. I stifled a chuckle as Principal Moore glared at Aaron. "Aaron. Get help." Principal Moore stated, not being able to finish his speech as the bell rang for dismissal to second period.

Grayson Pov.

I took a deep breath, clutching the makeup pallet I had just bought & apology note tighter in my hand. I looked across the lunchroom at my targeted person; James. He was slumped in a chair that sat directly across from a tired looking Emma & instead of wearing his usual spicy attire, he was wearing a baggy hoodie & a pair of plain black joggers. According to Emma, me avoiding James had really affected him since she told me he never actually had legit feelings for somebody. It was always just a one-night-fling for him, never anything serious. I'm really taking a chance on Emma's words here, considering she told me that James has those serious feelings for me & when I asked how she knew; she said she can 'just tell'. And as much as I don't want to admit it, I think I might have feelings for him too. That thought made me shiver though, I never found a huge attraction towards guys. I myself, didn't even know I was gay for fucks sakes.

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