31: Dishonored.

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*     *    *

Blood was freezing and crusting on his leg. Everything was sore from the day’s battles, and darkness had fallen upon the land, bringing with it another level of cold. The laughter of enemy soldiers was taunting.

He ignored them, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, features at ease. All the while, he planned his act; he would not allow himself to show any emotion whatsoever, unless it was useful for annoying Thaddias.

The bumpy road smoothened out, alerting him that they had arrived in the city. Daybreak was hitting, and the citizens were coming out of their homes as the sky grew brighter. The wagon halted, two soldiers hauling him up.

The sight of the people must’ve made Thaddias want to show off his prize. The soldiers tossed him off the back of the wagon, chaining his hands and neck to the hitch. He was walking from here.

He spotted looks of surprise on the people’s faces. “My good people, I bring a captive; King Caspian, of Rayndra!” Thaddias announced loudly, clearly enjoying this. One of the apprentace’s stepped close to Caspian, fist clenched to strike.

Caspian kept his gaze locked on the kid’s, making him pause. “Don’t even think about it!” He growled. The boy’s eyes widdened slightly and he glanced at his mentor, uncertain. The older knight scoffed, then turned to Caspian with lightning speed and lashed out, kicking his injured leg.

His knee buckled, and he started to go down. He used the fall to counter-attack, going onto his hands and swinging his body around, successfully wrapping his legs around the knight’s throat. The man fell, starting to claw as he was choked.

“Today I spare your life, but tomorrow will be different.” He warned quietly, releasing his victim as knights moved in. The man lay there, gasping for air as Caspian stood. He glanced at the crowd.

Though few, there was a handful of faces that looked pleased with his actions. Even here in Adrelawin, he had some supporters. Good, that was his ticket out should he escape. His time to study the crowd ended abruptly, knights surrounding him, fists flying.

Caspian dodged what he could, blocked when he could, but it wouldn’t take long for a hard hit to land. When it did, it was a fist to the chin, snapping his head back.

He stumbled, falling. The back of his head slammed into the wagon as he fell. Stars filled his vision and warmth slid down his neck.

But now the knights were kicking him, in the ribs, the stomach, his face, wherever they could.

At last the order came for them to cease and return to the march. He lay there, arms shielding his head, curled up to try protecting his ribs. Hands hauled him up roughly, shoving him forward as the wagon started moving. He coughed, tasting blood, gasping as his ribs seized up.

He forced himself to straighten, holding his head high as he scanned the crowd again. The scuffle had gotten some excited, and now most of them were no longer shocked, but angry. They were angry with him.

The chains around his neck and hands tightened, jerking him forwards. The knight behind him shoved him as he stumbled. The crowd was shouting, and his ears picked out several individual voices.

“-kill him!”


Caspian ducked as they started throwing stuff at him; rocks, fruit, boots, anything. A handful of people had covered their mouths, but most of the crowd raged.

The knights were enjoying it, shoving him as he stumbled along, smirking as items hit him. He forced himself to keep his head high, spine straight. Jacques, Esteban, please send help quickly…

*    *   *

Four knights escorted her into the King’s throne room, positioning themselves so that they surrounded her, and moving a few feet away only as she bowed before their King. All the while, she forced her posture to remain straight and certain.

King Jacques eyed her with interest. “What are the reasons for your visit, my Lady?”

She straightened and looked straight into his eyes. “King Jacques, I appologize for the rush in which I arrived, but the matter is an urgent one. King Thaddias of Adrelawin has betrayed Rayndra, and broken the treaty. He has been keeping the kidnapped daughter of King Alton all these years!”

The King’s posture straightened greatly, shock radiating off him. “How is this possible?”

“It was his men who broke into the King’s castle and killed him, kidnapping his daughter. The Princess was taken to Adrelawin, and given to a drunk to raise. That drunk later sold her as a slave to barbarians. She escaped, and managed to cross in Rayndra, where King Caspian found her. Since then, the barbarians have kidnapped the King, and attacked Rayndra, under orders of King Thaddias.”

“Can you prove this?”

Tamar’s heart sped up, this was the moment she feared the most. “Unfortunately, I cannot. I, and one of the King’s knights, were sent here with a message from King Caspian, but the message was destroyed during our journey.” She paused. “I can, however, offer you a fair amount of persuasion.”

King Jacques rubbed his chin, considering. “Continue.”

“Here is the King’s seal, the only piece of the message that was not destroyed in the river.” She approached him carefully, holding the wax seal in front of her. There, in front of the King, she knelt.

“My second piece of proof is my testamony. This is not merely a message which I relayed, but my own story. I am Princess Tamar, the rightful ruler of Rayndra.” Her words held a physical weight, for if she was not believed, she could be beheaded for such a claim.

The King’s eyes widdened slightly, and he studied her more carefully. There was the sound of someone clearing their throat, and King Jacques’ eyes shifted to the knight.

“My King, the knight who escorted her here is Isidro, royal bodyguard to King Caspian, and leader of The Three.” She recognized the voice of the knight who had escorted her from the tower, and felt herself relax slightly at his support.

King Jacques returned his gaze to Tamar. Slowly, he leaned forward, taking her face in his hands, surprising her. “You have the eyes of your father, who was a dear friend to me.” He paused, releasing her and looking to one of the knights, one who was obviously in charge.

“And if Isidro is with you, then so am I. Commander, gather the men, we leave for Rayndra immediately!” King Jacques ordered, rising to his feet.

Tamar stood, bowing. “Thank you, King Jacques.” The King returned the gesture, bowing. Help was on the way, at last.

The Princess's Secret [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora