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Vic:- 'I'll pick you up at 5:30' ~ Sent 3:47
Vic:- 'See you soon kitty'

I was freaking out. I have an hour to kill. And yes, Oli is home...No sign of Carol though. I wonder where she's disappeared too. I'd ask Oli but I feel like I wouldn't get a proper response.

May as well do my make up while I wait. I wasn't really planning on doing so, but I have an hour...so why not? I love doing my make-up..SOOO.

I side into my desk chair and wheel myself over to my make-up station. I laid all the products out in front of me, but before I began I turned on my speakers and began playing simple plan. We bop. I hummed along as I continued on with my make-up just waiting for Vics beautiful face to show up. I ended up doing my normal everyday make-up but with a thicker wing, and a little pink heart on my cheek.

I threw myself onto my bed and lay there for a while. I still had quite a long time to wait. I'm not good at waiting.

"Oi, Fag" Oli grumbles as I slip down the stairs, I smile at him a little giving him my full undivided attention. I just wanted an apple. "I'm going out" he announces, you sure? He looks like a mess. His hair was matted, and ckesrly needed washing, there was a spike right in the centre of his head...and I'm pretty sure he wore that shirt for the past three days..."look after the house". Uh...no.

"No" I State striding over to our fridge, my feet making a soft padding sound, as they came into contact with out freezing tiled floors. I wanted to squeal...but I held it back.

"Why not?" He opposed, his voice brimming with hints of annoyance, his temper slowly creeping up. It's so easy to fucking irritate him.

"Because I'm going ou-" I was cut off by a knock at the door, "oh, would you look at that" I retort sarcastically, "there's my dad...date" I declared proudly, a grin on my face as I took a small bite out my red apple.

"Ugh" he whines loudly, throwing his head back.

"Just have friends over! And give your room a good clean! It smells like sadness" I snear

"Fuck you" he growls as I stalk my way over to the door.

"Is that on your wish list?" I threw back cheekily as I pulled the door open to reveal an awkward looking Vic with a little black rose.

"Ew, fuck no!" He screeches, "I'm not a Faggot like you" he counters smugly before trampling up the stairs seeming rather infuriated. Woopsy. I simply rolled my eyes inviting Vic in.

"This is for you princess" he smiles handing me the rose, I couldn't help but smile, taking it gently out of his hands.

"Thank you" I muttered adoringly, pulling him in for a quick hug.

"You ready?" He asks excitedly.

"Just gotta put my shoes on" I inform him. He nods watching as I dashed up the stairs at top speeds. I push my feet into a pair of pastel pink platform boots and stomp back down the stairs.

Just as we were about to leave I yell up to Oli, "HAVE FUN STAYING IN! SEE YAH", I heard a faint 'fuck you' as we closed the door. I swear that's as far as he can stretch his vocabulary. I love pissing him off. It's fun.

I finish my apple an toss it into Vics black bin before hopping into his pick up, strapping myself in. I don't wanna die today.

"You ready?" He questions nervously. I nod giving him a small smile. I may not be showing my happiness too well right now...but trust me: I'm fucking excited.

"Where are we going?" I questioned childishly, but I didn't get much information. He just told me somewhere fun...like, hunny, I asked where we were going. Not what it's like. "Tell me" I demanded childishly, I don't like secrets, I like to know everything.

Little Pink Boy | KellicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt