"Alright! Tell me why you were flirting instead of helping me!" She snapped.

They had a contract! They had said try be open these days! And she needed them!

Aries turned a bright pink color, face blending in with her hair.

Virgo didn't look embarrassed in the slightest.

She'd never been one to be embarrassed.

Virgo actually smiled.

"Because we were busy when you summoned us, Princess," Virgo said.

The blonde's eyebrows raised.

Aries blushed deeper.

"It's just... t-the Spirits are re-really busy right now! All of us!" Aries stuttered.

Lucy frowned in confusion and looked at her Celestial Spirits.

"What's going on?" She asked.

Aries was too embarrassed to respond.

"It's Celestial Spirit Mating Season, Princess." She said calmly.

Lucy choked on the air and looked between the two of them with wide eyes.

"And... and you two...?" Lucy didn't know what to think.

She had thought that Loke and Aries were hitting it off earlier...

Aries was trying to stutter out a response, but she couldn't get the words out.

Virgo even looked a bit uncomfortable at the question.

"We're not... sure," Virgo responded.

Aries' head whipped around to look at Virgo.

It had been an unspoken thing with the two of them and just hearing Virgo admit it out loud was amazing.

Aries finally got her courage together and grabbed onto Virgo's neck with her hands and pulled the slightly taller girl down to her height.

Lucy tried not to make a gagging sound as she saw the two Celestial Spirits start kissing.

"Can you please take this to the Celestial Spirit Realm?!" Lucy practically shrieked.

Virgo looked over at Lucy and smiled a bit goofily.

"Sure." She said.

Aries let out a squeak of embarrassment when she realized where she was and let out a quick apology.

"I'm sorry, Mistress!" She cried before disappearing.

"With your leave, Prin-" Lucy waved her hand and walked off, muttering about her Celestial Spirits and their drama.

Virgo grinned after the Celestial Wizard before disappearing into the Celestial Spirit Realm.

Lucy shook her head, but was distracted as she heard quick footsteps coming towards her.

Those footsteps were familiar...


She turned back around and smiled as she saw Erza running toward her.

"Great job, Lucy! How did you even figure this out?!" Erza asked, pulling her into a hug.

Lucy grinned back at her.

"That's a secret, Sweetie Pie." She said.

Erza smiled sufferingly.

"Lucy, what was happening with you and your Celestial Spirits?" She asked.

Mating Season, A SequelWhere stories live. Discover now