Chapter 3: Means of Survival

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The group traveled through the tunnels, getting farther from the wrath of the sandstorm. Blinky was still in shock over what happened. He had no idea where Jim and Claire could be. There was no telling if they were alive or not. Nomura noticed how distraught he was. She took control of the group. The tunnels became darker as they ran deeper into them. A few seconds later Blinky noticed a light further down the tunnel.

"I believe there is some sort of light further down. We should follow it." Blinky said, pointing towards the direction of the light. Nomura wondered if it was a smart idea to follow it. She nodded, having no choice in the matter.

"This way!" Nomura said. They all began to follow her.

Jim and Claire were still battling the winds of the storm. The wind and sand hit their faces so hard, Claire's face started to turn red. Jim didn't have a problem because of his stone skin. However, It was difficult for them to see. Jim tried looking desperately for shelter but couldn't find anything around him. He held Claire tightly, trying his hardest not to let her go. He tried to think of something to help them out, but he started to lose the strength to fight the winds. Suddenly, he remembered something that Merlin had said to him when he first became a troll.

He is now capable of feats we never thought possible.

Jim looked at his free hand and called his sword. He examined the sword and noticed that words were lining up with the blade. He raised the sword aloft and having no clue what he was about to do, said the words that were inscribed.

I call upon an ancient isle

to serve me in my darkest hour

to endure my trial

I bid thee Avalon

Hear me and grant me power.

He began to concentrate. His suit and the sword began to glow a deep crimson. A flash of light erupted at the tip of the blade. It traveled around them, touching down to the ground. He looked around him and observed what just happened. He had made a force field with his blade. He was now able to see the end of the storm through the force field as he held the sword up.

He began to grunt and sweat, struggling to keep the force field around them. It was hard to hold it due to the fact that he was using all of his energy. Yet, if it meant Claire was going to be safe, he would keep it there until he literally passed out. Suddenly, Jim heard moaning. Claire was waking up.

"J...Jim? What's going on?" Claire asked with a dry throat. She looked around her noticing the red force field surrounding her. She heard Jim's grunts and painful yells as he held it up. She couldn't believe her eyes. He was using up all of his energy to combat the storm; all for her life. She was speechless. She noticed the force field was weakening. She took a look at Jim and realized he was getting tired. She held him to give him strength. "Jim! Keep going! Don't stop!" Claire said as an encouragement.

Jim looked behind him and saw her face right next to his. She was all battered and burnt from the sand hitting her delicate face. Due to his weakness, he had trouble speaking. "Claire...I can' this!"

"Yes, you can Jim! You can do this! Keep that force field up!" Claire said. She could tell in his eyes that he was starting to give up. She moved in front of him and held his face. His eyes locked on hers. "Jim, focus on me. I know you can do this." Jim began to gain courage. The force field became stronger once again. Gathering all of his strength, he screamed in desperation. Claire looked towards the storm, noticing that it was beginning to weaken.

"Just a little more Jim! The storm's weakening!" Claire cried out. Grunting with the effort of maintaining the force field, Jim let out a loud yell as the storm dissipated. The force field gave out. Exhausted, Jim fell to the ground out of breath and weak.

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