Chapter 5

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Jacks POV

Me and Mark were having a really good time camping out in the woods, we had just set up our tent and we're ready to set up our campfire, "Mark, do you want to help me get some fire wood...... Err fire sticks?" He nodded his head and we went out to go collect sticks, we wandered deep into the forest, there were a bunch of fire sticks everywhere that were perfect for making fire. Mark picked up a huge stick that was laying on the ground "Ok I'm done" He said laughing, I started laughing with him and I picked up some more sticks and we headed back to our campsite. When we got there the tent was absolutely destroyed, "Woah what the hell happened!?" Mark shouted "I don't know, we should at least make a fire though, and then see what we can do about the tent situation." I placed the sticks into the fire pit and walked over to the tent and moved some of it to see what was left.

Before we left to go get sticks, we had set up everything inside our tent, our sleeping bags mostly, they were still there "Hey Mark! Our sleeping are still here, you want to camp out underneath the starts tonight?" He walked over and I saw that he already got a fire going "Damn that was fast" He nods his head, "Sleep under the stars?" "Yeah, we just put the sleeping bags close by the fire, but not too close and just sleep in them" He nodded his again "That sounds fun!" We heard a sizzle come from behind us and the fire went out making a bunch of smoke appear in the air, Dark appeared out of nowhere and just started laughing like crazy, he snapped his fingers and Mark passed out.

"What the fuck did you DO!? I started backing up scared and angry at the same time. He snapped his fingers again and I felt sleepy and fell over going to sleep almost immediately,


I looked around at my surroundings, everything was just black, I'm not sure where I was but I didn't get a lot of time to think about what had happened because a giant hand picked me up. I started whimpering as this being pulled me up to its face and I noticed it was Anti. He had a smirk on his face and my heart dropped, I didn't like this at all and when I looked at his mouth I whimpered again. He ran his tongue along his teeth and hummed "I bet you taste like candy, let's find o u t" He pinched the back of my shirt and lifted me up above his head and let out a menacing and deep laugh.

He opened his mouth and dropped me in, tasting me every way he could, he swallowed me taking me to death, I starting crying thinking about why this happened,

End of dream

I woke up and there were cats? They started walking to me and that's when I noticed that everything was huge, and I was really small. I started backing up "Jack, It's ok it's us!" I looked at them confused but I recognized the voice. "Wait.... Marvin? Anti, Jackie and Chase?" I looked over at who I thought was Anti and he was drooling then I remembered the dream, one of the cats who I don't recognize swiped at Anti and he stopped. I noticed that Chase and Jackie were also shrunken. So that means Marvin and Anti are cats, the one I didn't recognize stepped forward and I stepped back "Hey, it's ok I'm a fan" I smiled a little but then heard a gasp and then looked over to mark and he was also a cat now.

Marks POV

I woke not too long after I passed out, and I saw Jack I front of a bunch of cats, I gasped and looked myself over and I was a cat, golden and fluffy I also realized I had a tuff of red hair on the top which made me look really cute. "What's going on?" I breathed out still wondering how this happened then I noticed Dark creeping out from behind a tree. "Dark!" I yelled running away, everyone looked behind them and saw dark, I kept running not knowing what else he would to me. Soon the other cats caught up with me and we kept running, I noticed that Jack was on the black cats back and that some of jacks egos where also shrunk, so some of them must be cats too. But there I was one cat who I didn't know what ego it would be.

After we figured that Dark wasn't chasing us we stopped. "Is everyone ok?" I asked they all nodded their heads, I walked up to the mysterious cat and wanted to know who they were "Who are you? I don't recognize you." "Oh I'm Y/n I'm a fan... Dark sort of did this to all of us" They chuckled nervously but then they looked sad, they shook they're fur just enough so that Chase fell on the ground and then they took off running.

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