
When I woke up it was light out. I guess I hadn't slept that long. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. It was 9:39 am. THE NEXT DAY! Had the members just let me sleep? Why would they do that? I rushed to my feet to go find them. When I stood up, pain rushed through my ankle. I sat back down. Lifting my leg up I pulled off my sock. It wasn't swollen or bruised so I put the sock back on. I returned to my feet and walked to the bathroom, my ankle throbbing all the way there. I grabbed the bottle of ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet and swallowed to pills without water.

I went off to find everyone. They were in the living room watching a k-drama. I probably missed a few episodes. We always watched this one together. Trying not to limp, I made way over to the couch. There was an empty space between Hobi and Tae so I squeezed in.

"What did I miss?" I asked, whispering in Tae's ear.

"Shhh" was his only response.

I leaned back to watch the show.

"You slept a while," Hobi joked.

"Shhh!" Both Tae and Yoongi scolded. Hobi leaned back, sulking. When the episode was over we all scattered. Jimin came over to find me.

"You ok?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well you slept for like 24 hours."

"I know! How could you let me?!" I responded

"I tried to wake you up you started yelling at me in your sleep"

"Oh?" I must have been tired. "What did I miss in the show?"

"A lot." He told me. "Jisiu finally told Jae-sung that she loved him, and the FBI showed up at min-Lee's house in the middle of the night to investigate her brothers death. Oh, and hyungsik got drunk and was arrested for drinking and driving and steeling. He stole the car."

"Omg!" I cant believe I missed so much.

Jimin and I continued to talk for a while and then we were called to the kitchen.

"Today it's Jungkook and Yoongi's turn to make dinner." Namjoon told us. I hate making dinner with Yoongi cause he never lets me taste it in between. And never make cookies with him cause he will smack your hand away from the batter. It's annoying, really.

We decided on soup and sweet rice. Yoongi made the soup and I made the rice. When the rice was done I put it in a serving bowl and sprinkle some sugar on top. Then I mixed it in. I grabbed some strawberries from the fridge and began to chop them up. I then put them on top. By the time I had finished Yoongi was putting the soup out on the table. I grabbed some bowls and spoons and followed him over.

The next thing I knew Yoongi was yelling, "DINNER!" As loud as he could. Footsteps were heard running through the house. The first person to be seen was Hoseok. He was pushing past Tae, to be the first one here.

"Hey!" Tae yelled as Hobi pushed him into the doorframe. "Ouch" he mumbled. We all sat down and helped ourselves to some soup. I saw that Jimin was only taking a little so I grabbed the ladle out of Hobi's hand and put another spoonful into his bowl. He rolled his eyes at me but I saw a lingering smile on his full lips. I couldn't help but smile at his smile-pout as Hobi ripped the Ladle back from me, mumbling that sounded something like "bitch ass" Hobi is a different person when he's hungry.

I ate in silence, watching to make sure Jimin was also eating, as he liked to skip meals at times. After all the members had finished eating their soup I headed back to the kitchen to get the rice. I set it on the table and saw everyone's eyes light up.

"Mmmh" they all moaned as they stuffed their faces full of sweet rice. I watched as jimins eyes rolled back in his head in delight and felt a shiver go down my spine. The only one who had anything bad to say about my rice was Yoongi who thought I was a little dry.


In this chapter jungkook reads a particularly touchy hate comment that really bothers him and affects his confidence, messing him up. PLEASE DON'T WRITE HATE COMMENTS TO ANYONE! As much as people say it doesn't bother them some comments really do. You are untitled to your opinions but please don't voice them in rude hateful ways, toward me or anyone.

Thank you ~Lilly :)

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