Our song

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I sat at the piano with Jimin. We were playing notes, trying to come up with a chord progression. We had been at it for hours but still had nothing. Every time we would get an idea we would get distracted and forget it.

Jimin was humming something and I watched as his forehead crinkled in concentration. Finally, he reached out and played a beautiful little thing. It was short but beautiful. We started from there.

"Oh, what if we do this..." I suggested, playing something else. Jimin played his part and added mine to the end.

"And then we could add some sixteenth notes onto the end of that." He said.

"Crescendo there and that leads to the chorus part," i suggested.

Jimin played everything we had so far. It was honestly beautiful.

"The piano part that goes under the lyrics for the chorus should be pretty but a little peppier than the beginning agreed?"

"Definitely" Jimin played a few notes then started over. A few similar ones then started over. "What if- " he cut himself off playing some more notes. "And then-" he played a cute, beautiful bit. It went back and forth between two melody parts.

"I like that." I played it from the beginning. The song starts out slow, almost sad. And then at the chorus, it picked up a little. It was a little happier but still touchingly beautiful. After getting to the chorus I played the part I had come up with again and then started back at Jimin's first idea and making my way to the chorus again.

"Ooh good idea kookie, and then we could do a softer lonely part." He reached for the keys quietly playing. He played two eighth notes, followed by three half notes. Two more eighth notes three more half notes. Four eighth notes and a whole note. It was gorgeous really.

"And then if we crescendo into the chorus again?"

"Or we can crescendo into another verse and then have a raw version of the chorus, like voice only. Before playing a slow piano version of the chorus with a decrescendo."

"Why are you so amazing at this?" I was amazed. Jimin's idea was brilliant.

"I'm not really."

"Bullshit! That was such a good idea. And you came up with the first part too."

"Whatever. Play it from the beginning?"

I began to play. First verse one. Then crescendo into the chorus. Verse two. Chorus two. I played Jimin's bridge part. I was thinking it could be a piano solo, no voice. I played the sixteenth notes, a crescendo into verse three. I then stopped counting seven measures. This would be the raw chorus. I then played the chorus again, this time slower and prettier. As I reached the end I slowed down with a beautiful decrescendo. The song came to an end.

I looked up at Jimin who was staring at my hands, a glazed look on his face.

"Kookie it's beautiful... I love it."

I smiled and he hugged me. "I'm so proud of it. We did so good." He whispered.

"I know, me too."

"Now we just need lyrics."


"We can do those tomorrow though cause I'm tired. I'm just going to write this down before we forget it and go to bed."

It was now 10:30 pm the two of us had gone straight from practicing to take a shower. Then we grabbed a snack and came here. We had been here since then. We had wasted a lot of time when we got distracted and ended up playing go fish. And when we got hungry and made chocolate chip cookies. And also when we had a dance off while we waited for the cookies. And also when the almost chord progression sounded like an old childhood favorite song. We ended up making a throwback playlist on Spotify. It was worth it though. Jimin made the time fly by. I almost forgot about my ankle the whole time, barely even noticing it during the dance off. If I had barely noticed it couldn't be that bad.

"Yeah. That's a good plan."

"Well, you can go to bed im just going to write this down."

'No, I'll wait." i ran to the kitchen to grab a few of our cookies and a glass of milk. When i returned Jimin was hard at work. I handed him the glass of milk and two of the four cookies i had gotten.


We ate in silence as Jimin wrote our song.

"Do u want a copy?"

"Oh no. There's no way I'll forget it."

"Oh ok, well goodnight then." Jimin left for his room, leaving me there alone. I waited a few minutes before returning to the piano bench. My fingers hovered over the keys for a moment. I then began to play our song again. I played it over and over until i no longer had to think. i played it till m fingers did it on their own. As my fingers played the song my mind wandered.

Finally, i decided that i should go to bed. i crept up the stairs and to my own room.

I changed out of my clothes and into a pair of plaid pajama pants. i didn't need a shirt. i snuck to the bathroom and washed my face. As i passed jin's room on the way back to my own i heard a sound. i pressed my ear to the door. Jin was snoring. again. The other members had tried to tell him on multiple occasions that he snored, but Jin wouldn't hear it.

"nonsense." he would say.

When i reached my room i released a breath. being quiet was hard. i applied my peppermint chapstick and crawled into my bed. one last glance at the nightstand. 11:19 the alarm clock told me. I rolled over and closed my eyes. After an hour of staring at the back of my eyelids waiting for sleep to find me, i opened them again. rolled back over and looked at the alarm clock. 11:32. At least i thought it had been an hour. i grabbed my second pillow and pulled it to my chest, sighed and tried to find sleep once more. 11:46 still awake. Roll over. 11:51 still awake. sigh, get up. Maybe Jimin's still awake, i wondered. I ruffle my hair and stretch.

Oh well, sleep is overrated anyway. I tiptoed to Jimin's room. It was dark in the hallway so i made my way blind, hoping i didn't run into anything. halfway down the hall, I did run into something. I was almost there too when i collided with something firm. It was strange though because i didn't remember anything being there. just then, the object spoke.

"Jungkook?" The object pulled out their phone and shone a light at my face. It was Jimin.


"What are you doing kookie?" he asked me.

"I was...uh...going to the bathroom." i stuttered.

"The bathroom is the other way."

"Yeah, I guess I got lost in the dark. what are you doing?"

"Oh i couldn't sleep i was going to see if anyone else was awake."

"Oh. Yeah, i can't sleep either."

"Let me guess. You were actually on your way to my room?"

"Yeah," i confessed.

"Want to go downstairs and watch a movie?"


Jimin led the way, shining his flashlight as we made our way to the living room. We grabbed a blanket and curled up on the smaller couch. We were very close. That's when i realized that Jimin wasn't wearing a shirt.



"You aren't wearing a shirt."

"So? Neither are you." i looked down blushing. He was right.

"Yeah well... what movie should we watch?"

We ended up watching Nemo. Jimin really is a kid. Its one of his favorite movies and he practically begged me to watch it. Of course, i couldn't say no to him, so we fell asleep watching Nemo.

Ok, so i actually kind of like this. Anyway, vote if you liked it too. I love you.


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