Chanyeol said that with such a moving and expressive tone. I for sure had never seen him that impassioned and that sincere. His words had touched me so deeply, I couldn't find anything to say that could explicitly voice my feelings toward him.

And then he proceeded after gulping.

"You're honestly the best thing that happened to me in years. From the moment I saw you in that bathroom, I knew you were someone who would get me in trouble, but like, in a good way. When you sang that stupid song at my parents' house, or when you taught me how to ice skate. The way you close your eyes when you sing a song, or the way you pout in the morning because there's not enough milk for your cereals. The way you smile when you win an argument, or just your perfect smile. Your adorable lip mole. Your perfect hair. That apple scented shampoo. Your amazing smell. Your taste in fashion. The fact that you wear glasses to read or write. Or fuck, the way you bite your thumb whenever you try to find inspiration for your novel. Everything about you is perfect. You are perfect. And shit, I think I've just fallen in love with you."

Since I really didn't know what to answer to this, I grabbed his shirt and dragged him closer before slamming my lips to his. And then, the world fell away. The kiss was fiery and so passionate. His soft lips tasted peppermint lip balm and I just wanted to bite the hell out of them. My hand drifted to his neck and pulled him closer.

I really didn't care about Hong Kong anymore. All I wanted was right in front of me. What he had said was just beyond my poor expectations.

We unwillingly pulled apart. I rested my forehead against his before smiling, out of breath.

"If anything Chanyeol, you're the perfect one here," I said, as my breath was shaking. "You literally can do anything. Except ice-skating."

A bit offended, he cheekily punched my shoulder. I prevented the hit by gently cupping his fist before intertwining our fingers.

"You can cook like a chief, you can sing, dance, draw. You're a good actor. You're built like a Greek god. You're handsome as hell. I don't even have enough words to say how perfect you are because even a whole dictionary wouldn't be enough."

He stroked my cheek with his thumb before giggling.

"Pickup lines..."

I playfully flicked his forehead in response. He scrunched his nose up before looking at me with sweet eyes.

"It's a yes, Park."

He opened his eyes, confused.

- I'll marry you, silly," I rolled my eyes.

He started grinning from ear to ear before grabbing my waist.

"Really? Are you sure about this?
- Yes. I know you hadn't planned to ask me this at all," I shook my head. "Neither had I planned to say yes."

I looked down.

"But, I don't want to move anymore. In fact, I just realise I've never really wanted that. I just kept lying to myself. You're right, Chanyeol, we can start something new here. It's a new adventure to begin. So, let's try? Maybe it's worth the try. We never know, as you said."

He hugged me, his body melting into mine. He nuzzled into my neck before kissing it.

"Glad to here that."

"I HATE HIM " | CHANBAEK  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now