Chapter 1

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June 12, 2014

My name is Christine Daae. I found this diary and decided to write my story. It started one year ago, on this date.

June 12, 2013

Beeeep! Beeeep! Slamming down on my alarm clock, I groaned. Waking up at 5:45 every morning was not my ideal time. Working at a Denny's that was 40 miles away was not ideal either, but a girl's got to do what a girl's gotta do. My shift started at 7:15, so I was always rushing about, trying to get everything done. That day changed that. Maybe if I left earlier it would have never happened. I try not to think about it too much.

That day was one of the most eventful days in my entire life. It started with no water, so my shower was delayed by 20 minutes. I finally finished it, then attempted to brush my unruly brown curls. Ugh, I thought, maybe I should just chop them all off. What a pain! The only reason my hair was still as long as it was was because of my father. He loved to look at it. He said it reminded him of my mother's hair. She died when I was 12, and Dad died of cancer five months ago, so the pain was still a bit fresh.

Thankfully, I had just turned eighteen, so I did not have to go live with Aunt Mildred, my father's sister. She was as opinionated as I don't know what. "Christine, you really should still be wearing your hair down. Young ladies do not put their hair up until they are married." "Christine, you should wear dresses more. I know this lady who makes some stunning everyday gowns." You would think (since she wasn't born in the 1800's!) that she wouldn't be so fond of old-fashioned things, but...

It was 6:30 before I finally got to the car and spend off. While driving, I took a different route then usual, due to roadwork. Had there not been that, I probably would not be where I am in now.

While I was driving, I turned a sharp right and suddenly saw everything in slow motion. I felt something warm and wet run down my head, and it felt fuzzy. Before I passed out, the last thing I saw was a person wearing a white half-mask.


"Ahh... you're awake." said a smooth voice. I groan and touch my head. It's bandaged all around, and I have a pounding headache.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?" I answer, then instantly regretting it, as my headache intensifies. I grit my teeth and wait for the person to reply.

"I am Erik Destlar, and may I ask who are you?"

"Christine Daae, and where am I?" I ask, looking around the room. It was decent size, but I thought it depressing. Grey everywhere, even on the windows. I needed a pop of blue, red, or even yellow!

"Northside Hospital. You slipped on the road and hurt your head." replied the man, rising to his full height. He strode across the room in long strides. "I saw the accident and went to investigate. You have been passed out for a few hours. You needed 17 stitches." He then sat on the bed and asked softly,

"How do you feel?"

"Like I got in an accident." I replied, then sighed. My head hurt more than ever. "Could I get some aspirin? My head hurts."

Mr. Destlar chuckled. "Of course. Nurse! She would like some pain medication now."

The man stepped aside as the nurse handed me some water and aspirin. I took it gratefully and murmured,

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." replied the nurse, then leaving the room. Mr. Destlar than sat back down.

"Thank you for helping me. You really didn't have to stay." I said, glancing at him.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, Ms. Daae." Mr. Destlar replied, his gaze intense. I looked away and spoke softly,

"Thanks. I think I'm fine now." I said, looking at the door. I think he got the hint. He turned and walked away,

"I'll check on you tomorrow, Ms. Daae. If you need anything, please call me."

"Okay. Bye now!" I replied. He left quickly, and shut the door. I sighed and looked around the room. No books or anything. I switched on the TV and started watching the soap operas. My mind wasn't on the opera, though. Rather it was on a certain masked stranger.


Hi! Thanks for reading! I would love to hear your comments on it or suggestions for future chapters! I will post as often as I can. Reviews and comments make me post faster! I don't own POTO or anything in it.


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