Laura- ROSS?!

Ross- Laura!

He hugged her.

Laura- I can't believe your here, when did you get here?

Ross- 5 minutes ago

Laura- I can't believe you flew from Puerto Rico to be here

Ross- I'm not gonna miss the birth of our child and I said I'm come back

Doctors rushed in.

Ross- What's going on?

Doctor- She's giving birth, are you the dad?

Ross- Yeah

Doctor- Right, you stay you leave

I left and went back to the Waiting Room. They stared at me. I smiled.

Rydel- She's giving birth right now

Stormie- Really? What about Ross?

Rydel- They said he could stay since he's the dad

Ellen and Damian rushed in.

Stormie- Shs's giving birth now

Ellen- Really? Oh my god, I'm a nan

Stormie- So am I

Rydel- And me and Vanessa are Aunties

Riker- And we are all uncles

Mask- And me and Damian are grandads

Ross- And I'm a dad

We all turned around and gasped. He was stood there smiling with the baby in his arms. We rushed towards him.

Stormie- Beautiful

Ross- Be quiet, come upstairs and you can see the baby then

We walked upstairs and walked into the room. He sat on the chair next to Laura's bed and we sat around the bed. Laura was asleep.

Stormie- A boy or a girl?

Ross- A girl

Rydel- Has she got a name?

Ross- I wanna discuss it with Laura but I wanna keep the R's going so I thought of some names while she slept

Ellen- What?

Ross- Rachel, Roxie or Rochelle

Stormie- Their cute, I'd go for Rochelle

Ross- Me too

Laura- What?

(Ross's POV)

I looked to my side. Laura had woken up.

Ross- Shouldn't you be resting?

Laura- I'm not tired

Ross- Well I was talking about names and since it's a girl, I was thinking about keeping the R's going

Laura- That's sounds good, what names?

Ross- Well I thought about Rochelle but if you don't like it it's fine

Laura- I like.. Rochelle.. Is it Lynch or Marano?

Ross- Lynch hopefully

Laura- Rochelle Lynch

Vanessa- The name is almost as beautiful as this baby

I smiled and looked down at her and so did Laura since she was beside me.

Laura- What do you think? Rochelle Lynch? Ya like it?

Ross- I love it

Laura- Well then, Welcome to the world Rochelle Lynch

Rydel- Can I hold her?

Ross- Sure

I stood up and walked over to Rydel and placed her carefully in her arms. I say back down and held Laura's hand and she smiled.

Rydel- I am your Auntie Rydel, yes I am and don't worry, I will make sure your the Worlds most stylish baby

Ross- No ya won't

Rydel- What? Why not?

Ross- Cos I know you and when you say style you think of high heels and tutus and make up and no way in this world is Rochelle wearing make up

Mark- Aww, your first rule for your daughter

Ross- Yeah but seriously Rydel none of that make up junk on my daughter

Rydel- Whatever

Laura- Can I hold her?

Rydel- Yeah

She walked over and passed Rochelle to Laura.

Laura- I can't get over how amazing she is

Ellen- I cannot believe you two have a baby

Ross- I know

Laura- Oh Ross?

Ross- Yeah?

Laura- When do you have to go back to Puerto Rico?

Ross- Well actually... Tonight, we shoot early in the morning

Laura- Oh

Ross- It's just a couple of months and I'll be back

Laura- I guess

Ross- Don't be upset, it will be over before you know it

Laura- Kk

Austin and Ally- Proms and Promises After PartyWhere stories live. Discover now