You're the Captain!

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Barry was looking down at the letter in his shaking hands, filled with absolute dread.

Dear Sebastian Smythe,

We are writing to you to inform you of a reunion for the 2013 Dalton Warblers. It will be taking place at Central City Theatre. Tuesday 12 at 21:30.
We all hope to see you there Captain.

Dalton Warblers.

"Barry, you there? We have been trying to tell you something for the last five minutes!" Catlin said, tapping him on his shoulder, breaking him from his frozen trade of thought. When he looked over at them, trying to stop the shaking in his hand that looked like he could faze without using his super speed. "We are all going to an event tonight, a way of saying well done to us all. Yes Barry, that also means you, Iris has grabbed your grab bag for you. We are going to see a Glee group filled with prep boys, ok, good..."

Just as Barry heard Glee group, he sped out of the room, only to be dragged back by the corner of his ear by Oliver. "Ow ow ow..." He said, trying to get Oliver to let him go.

They thrust his 'grab bag' into him, before leaving to get changed into the clothes in it.

Peeking in, he saw that it definitely was not a 'grab bag', it was his bag of Sebastian. It held his uniform. They all wanted him to get into this, going to be so fun trying to explain it. Well, at least he does not need to wear the blazer.

~The Flash~

When he finally caught up with them and seeing the place they were going too he very quickly looked down at his watch, which read.

9:15, Tuesday 12th.

He was going to be what watching his band reunion, which by the looks of it was also an event, so will also include the rival Glee groups... Could this get any worse!

~The Flash~

They had been in their seats for only when Santana came up onto the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I am so sorry to say that we are all not here. The Warblers Captain seems to have lost his pride. Once a Warbler always a Warbler? You are proving this false, Captain. He lives in Central City and we all know that he will be here today... Not even he is that bad. So, Meerkat, I propose a duet, a challenge for you... Whose better... Wait, what did you say to your group... You don't want them to see you make a girl cry? Well, all the chairs are here that you so love to prance around, the cello players are at the ready." She called out over the audience.

Barry was so shrunken into the chair that he could be one with it, highly regretting getting changed into the clothes and doing up his hair.

"Now, are you too much of a wimp now, are you going to leave me to sing it on my own? Well then, Sebastian Smythe, decided to leave it to me." She called out to the crowd.

She could not ask the cello players to play as the crowd started to act a little like they were 'fans' of Sebastian. Looking around to try and find him.

From just behind team Flash, as they had run out of room for them all at the front row, so he got the seat behind. Barry could see that at the mention of his name.

"I've only heard him sing! Never seen his face!" Iris squealed to Catlin.

"I heard he is really hot!" Catlin said back.

"Well, I heard he's gay, so you don't have any chance!" Barry wanted to disappear as Cisco said this.

Santana, when the commotion had died down, signalled the cello's to start playing. Barry had the jacket in his hand, playing with it slightly.

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