Chapter 11: Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"So you've never..." Kyle continued curiously.

Evan shook his head while Casey quietly laughed to herself. "No. She's about the third to last person in this circle that I'd be interested in doing anything like that with," Evan replied with a cocky smile.

"Except that one time..." Casey joked airily. Evan snickered, "Oh yeah, how could I forget."

Kyle looked confused.

"We're kidding, the answer is like a really strong no," Evan clarified.

"About being gay or...?"

"No, that part is definitely true."

Kyle looked surprised, though quickly held out his closed fist for Evan to nudge in return, "Well, you could have fooled me."

"Honestly Kyle, that wouldn't be hard." Evan smirked playfully.

Kyle turned to Casey then, "So what's your story? Single then?"

She felt a little nervous under the combined stares of the entire circle. She nodded slowly.

"Unless you've read Twitter this weekend," Gemma piped in with a cheeky grin.

Those who had seen the pictures all laughed, while Kyle, Heikki and Harry all looked on blankly.

"They got like 3 photos of Seb and Case in the same shot and now they're pretty much a bigger love story than Twilight," Gemma explained to the confused faces.

Kyle broke out into a laugh, "Seriously? Oh shit, you're in trouble now Case. Remind me to stay away from you in the garage from now on. It could be a love triangle at any moment."

Everyone laughed, including Seb, Casey noted in relief.

"So, no boyfriend back home that's going to get all upset about this?" Kyle pushed on.

"Like an English boy? Don't be ridiculous," Casey snorted, making a face. It was an entirely intentional dig considering the majority of the circle were English. She noticed Seb smiling along out of the corner of her eye as a mixture of laughter and protest sounded around the circle.

"But really, no..." she continued, "There's nobody. I can have as many imaginary relationships as I please."

Kyle nodded slowly, "Interesting..."

"Oh, leave her be!" Isla protested, swatting Kyle from across the circle.

"So has anyone else in this circle got something to admit?" Casey asked pointedly, staring directly at Brand. His face broke into a grin and he shook his head slowly at her for transferring the attention to him. Gemma suddenly went very quiet.

"No? Nothing?" Casey pushed innocently, eyeing up Brand who was still shaking his head and now vainly trying to hide a laugh.

"Oh okay, I just... thought I saw something in the pool that time..." she continued to taunt, referring to Gemma and Brand's pool fight team of which they had both seemed very pleased about.

Evan turned to her, "Honestly this is rich coming from you," he said with a menacing glint in his eye, "You think everyone just forgot about whose shoulders you were on?"

Everyone laughed as she yanked her hand out of his.

The group continued to chat and laugh, teasing each other with gossip. Evan's sudden confession was easily swept aside and he was grateful to Casey for being a good sport. He felt free, like he weighed nothing all of a sudden. He still hadn't looked Jacob in the eye though, that part he was putting off.

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