Chapter Eighteen

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"Now that everyone is calm. Does anyone have any information on the whereabouts of the rogues? Where they might be at this time?" A silence hung over the room and I had to hold back my irritated groan with every fiber of my being. John nodded his head, as he continued his questions.

"I see, okay since we have no location on them, we need to figure out when and where the last attack took place. Blood Moon was attacked two weeks ago. Liza, when was the last attack on your territory?" The She-wolf looked around the room, seemingly uncomfortable as she picked at invisible lint on her jeans.

"Liza." My gruff voice echoed around the room, my voice held all my annoyance and impatience with the situation. Liza's eyes darted in my direction as did all the others. This was the first time I had spoken since the start of the meeting. Liza must have noticed how agitated I was as she sighed softly and nodded.

"Raven's Cape had an attack three nights ago. The rogues swarmed our patrol teams, killing half of them and seriously injuring the others. We chased their sent for over ten miles before losing it in the river." I narrowed my eyes at her, my gut telling me she was leaving something important out. As if she felt my gaze, Liza's eyes met mine briefly before she lowered them to her lap once again.

"In all the chaos a small group of them managed to slip into the territory.. while the trackers were trailing the others and many of us were bringing the wounded to the pack doctors. The small group surrounded my father when he was checking on the pack house. He tried to fight them off but as you all know my father isn't the youngest wolf around.." Liza paused, taking a long deep breath before saying. "The rogues killed my father, Alpha Newton and took his head with them as a further insult."

Roars of outrage filled the small room as the the other Alpha's felt the same anger I did. A fire raced through my veins, a need to kill every last rouge I could get my hands on settled in the pit of my stomach. They not only killed an alpha but dismembered his body and took his head. That was an ultimate sin in the werewolf world along with de-fanging. It's dirty and low to defile a wolves body after battle but rogues don't play by the same rules. These foul beasts need to be cleaned of this earth and I will make it my mission in life to see that it happens. Shouts filled the small room once again as everyone expressed their anger. My hands balled into fists atop the table in front of me as I fought to control myself. I was never really close to Newton but he was part of our alliance and to learn of his death and the horrible acts that happened after. It was the cherry on top of all the anger and rage I have held in these past two weeks and Ace was ready to burst out. We needed to let off some steam before we hurt someone.

The loud crash my chair made as it flew into the wall behind me was enough to grab everyone's attention. As my mood darkened even further, all eyes averted from me as I stalked around the table. The door handle groaned from the pressure of my grip, as the door swung open the handle finally gave way and snapped. Ace growled in satisfaction when the hard lump clattered to the floor behind me as I left the room. I didn't know where we were going nor did I care. My loud foot steps echoed down the hall as I made my way towards the front door. A small wave of fear fluttered in the back of my mind but I didn't give it a second thought, I was in no mood to deal with whatever that was. Ace and I needed out and we needed out now.

Slamming the front door open with more force than necessary I ignored the startled and frightened looks on the faces of those around. I headed for the tree line, my feet moving faster the closer I became. Stepping into the cool shade of the trees, I jogged a few more feet before stopping behind a giant oak. Swiftly stripping out of my clothes I stretched out my muscles, rolling my neck and gaining a satisfying crack as I did. I could feel Ace pushing forward and I stopped fighting him, allowing him to take over completely as my body began to shift. Retreating to the back of my mind I put a block on all mind links while I sat back and watched as Ace dodged trees and rocks while he ran. We ran for hours before we decided to track down a herd of deer.

You Are Mine ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora