"This is so amazing you guys!" I say, hugging my mother and then Aurora.

"Seriously, we can't thank you enough." Bellamy says, doing the same as I just had.

"Anything for our sweet girl." Aurora responds as she places her hand on my stomach.

I honestly hate when people do that but there's no way I'm saying that out loud.

Just then Octavia comes out of the house and walks towards us and Aurora takes her hand off of me when she speaks. "People are going to start showing up soon. If they ask you tell them that they should put presents on the table over by that tree." Octavia says, pointing across the yard.

"Got it." I say.

"Can you two help me bring the rest of the food out here?" Octavia asks my mom and Aurora.

"Sure." My mom says and the three of them go inside, leaving Bellamy and I alone.

I sigh and lean into his chest. He wraps one arm around me. "What's wrong, Love?" He asks.

"I'm just nervous. You know how I hate being the center of attention."

"Yeah, I know. If you get overwhelmed and you need to step away for a minute you can come find me okay? Unless you want to be alone. That's fine too."

"You're the absolute best."

I put my hand on his cheek and bring his head down to my level before kissing him softly on the lips.

"Could you guys quit? It's disgusting!" Octavia yelled from across the lawn where she's sitting down food on a table.

We both turn our heads towards her and Bellamy licks the side of my face. "Never!" He says jokingly.

Octavia makes a fake gagging noise and I giggle and hit him on the arm playfully, before wiping my face off.

He turns his attention back towards me and says so that only I can hear him, "Seriously though, just try to relax, enjoy today."

He kisses me quickly one more time before going to help Octavia.


Eventually people start to arrive. A lot of people. Our moms invited pretty much everyone we know and the gifts start piling up on the table. A few of them are so big that they have to be sat down on the ground beside it.

All of our friends and family are here, including Luke, Glass, and Jacob who drove down here from New York for the shower.

When they get here, Glass comes up to me and envelops me in a big hug while Luke sits a gift down on the grass beside the table. "It feels like it's been forever since we've seen you, Clarke!" She says. "How are you guys?"

"We're really good. We're so excited for our daughter to arrive."

"I'm sure Bellamy is ecstatic." She says, looking across the lawn to where Bellamy is talking to Luke. Jacob comes running towards Bellamy and jumps into his arms. He stumbles back a bit since Jacob has grown quite a bit since we last saw him, but catches him without a problem.

"He is. I didn't know a person could be that happy about anything."

"I've known him for a long time and it's always been apparent that that man would be an amazing father. He's been so good with Jacob ever since he was born. Any time he was at our house he was holding Jacob the entire time. Even feeding and changing him when he was a baby."

"I'm glad. Honestly, I don't feel prepared at all. I don't know a thing about babies."

"That's how I felt when I was pregnant. I promise it goes away. Some of it just comes naturally. And even if it takes a while, you know Bellamy will have your back. He's there to help you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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