Chapter 38

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About a week later, Bellamy isn't near as sore as he was and his cuts and bruises are starting to heal. Things are getting back to normal for the most part but I can tell he still feels guilty and that kills me. He still apologizes every time it comes up and I wish we could just forget about it and move past it. I'm not at all angry with him and he knows that, he's just angry with himself.

Bellamy hasn't been able to work for the past week and I don't make much money as a substitute teacher so it's been pretty stressful. It's also got me thinking about when the baby comes. I'm worried we're going to struggle a lot financially. I know my mom and Marcus have plenty of money to spare but I don't want to ask. Bellamy assures me that we'll be fine but I'm not sure about it.

He's done everything he can to make sure we're financially stable when the baby comes. He refused to go to the hospital after the incident with Murphy because he didn't want us to have to pay the bills. Honestly that worries me a lot. What if there is something seriously wrong with him that we don't know about because he didn't go?

"Hey Bell?" I say. We're sitting on the floor against the couch. He has one arm around me and I have my head leaned against him.

"Hm?" He responds absentmindedly. He's playing some stupid game on his phone.

"Promise me that if you feel like something's wrong wrong with you because of what happened you'll go to the hospital."

He turns his phone off. "Clarke, nothing's going to happen."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do."

"Then just promise me."

"Fine. I promise."

I wouldn't be surprised if he broke that promise but that's as good as it's going to get with him.

"You worry way too much" He says.

"I have to. You refuse to worry about yourself."

"That's not true."

"It most definitely is. And I don't even understand why. You try to take care of me before you've even taken care of yourself and I'm worried someday it'll cost you."

"It won't." He says, placing his hand on my jaw and turning my face towards him to kiss me softly. "We're all going to be fine. I can promise you that."

"I hope you're right."


It's the day of our baby shower and we decided to make it a bit untraditional. We aren't doing the thing where only girls come, it's all of our family and friends.

Bellamy and I decided recently what the name of our daughter is going to be, and we're going to tell everyone tonight.

Octavia, Aurora, and my mom planned the shower and they're the only ones who know the name we've chosen because they planned out the reveal. We have no idea how they've decided to do it, so it'll be a surprise for us too.

The shower is going to be at Miller and Bryan's house since we don't have a ton of room in our apartment, and they all got there a few hours early to set up.

Bellamy and I don't show up until about a half hour before people are supposed to get there. When we do, our mothers lead us out to the back yard where there are a couple dozens of table with pink tablecloths and chairs. Under a willow tree in the back corner of the yard is a table with two chairs sitting beside it and a few presents already on the table. There's also tables against one of the fences with food on it and a light pink cake. There's decorations all over the yard and a lot of banners and streamers and balloons and things like that hanging on the fences.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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