"Did you have someone in mind for him? Someone that isn't a human from Earth perhaps?" Ace asks with attitude.

"An angel would have been a better fit for him. Or even one of those disgusting demons he rules over," The angel growls.

Ace raises an eyebrow. "You sound a little jealous,"

The angel's eyes flash with anger as he takes a large step closer. His muscles become taut as his arms unfold and his hands become fists at his sides. Ace eyes the fists, making sure he is ready for anything that the angel might throw at him.

"Jealous?" The angel growls. "Of what?"

Ace shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, you tell me. You're the one coming at me with the attitude," A smirk finds its way onto his face. "And we haven't even had introductions yet,"

"You want an introduction?" The angel asks, slightly taken aback.

Ace shrugs again. "Why not? I'll go first if that makes it easier for you. My names Ace, what's yours?"

The angel glares at Ace for a moment before he smirks. "I am the angel Michael, son of God, brother to Lucifer,"

Ace hums quietly. Lucifer warned him about Michael. Something about him being a man whore and to avoid him the most out of all his siblings. And yet, even with Lucifer's warning, Ace still doesn't retreat into the bedroom because he is just to damn stubborn for his own good.

"Well, Michael, what is it that brings you here?" Ace asks. He tries to reign in his snarky attitude but it proves to be difficult. If he wants Michael to go away, or at least not to touch him, he needs to have some semblance of manners.

"I came to try and understand my brother's idiocy. I came to find out what makes an insignificant human so special that he would capture my brother's attention," The angel growls out.

Ace raises an eyebrow in wonder. He read in one of the books in Hell that it is common for family to mate one another, due to the fact that in Heaven and Hell it does, in fact, make one pureblood. It does not cause deformities to offspring like it would for humans on Earth. Ace found it strange but Lucifer confirmed that the book told the truth and that it was more common to mate your sibling or cousin than someone who did not share your blood in some way.

Ace wonders, does Michael like Lucifer in that way? Did Michael want to mate with Lucifer? The thought sends a shiver down his spine and a bad taste to his mouth. He isn't sure if that makes him jealous or sick. And he isn't sure if that sickness is caused by the thought of Lucifer being with someone other than himself, or the engrained Earthly belief that incest is bad.

"I keep thinking and the only logical idea that comes to mind is that you must be a great fuck. So, I'll ask you once more, are you a great fuck? Is that how you captured my brother's attention? Is that why he chose you as his mate? So he can have you whenever he wants?"

Ace snorts. "Ever heard of a thing called love?"

Michael lets out a humorless laugh. "Love? My brother does not understand the meaning of love,"

"And you do?"

"Yes!" He shouts before he composes himself quickly. "I have been in love my entire life,"

"Oh yeah? If you say with Lucifer I might just barf all over this nice marble flooring,"

Michael growls loudly, his blue eyes darkening a shade. Then, before Ace can realize what happened, Michael had used his magic to fashion chains to the wall behind Ace and chain his hands up. Ace gasps as he looks at the chains spreading his arms apart up on the wall. He tugs on them but the hold tightly, causing the metal to bite into his wrists.

Ace snaps his head to the angel, his eyes widen as he now registers the dangerous predatory expression on his devastatingly gorgeous face. How the hell is he supposed to get out of this now? He can't possibly try to fight back with his hands out of commission, and his plan B of escaping into the bedroom is clearly out the window now. All he can hope for is that Michael will come within reach of his legs so he can kick him between them, and also that Lucifer will return quickly.

"If you are not going to answer me, then I will just have to find out on my own," The angel growls. The growls and angry look make him look like an evil dark angel. Someone who should not be in Heaven. Michael definitely looks out of place from everything Ace has seen so far.

"W-what?" Ace stutters. He is not thinking about raping him, is he?

Michael's top tip curls in disgust. "I do not see anything special about you," He says. "So you must be a really great fuck,"

"Why does it even matter?" Ace asks as he desperately tugs on the chains keeping him captive. "Lucifer can only choose one mate, and once it's done, it's done!"

"Enough! I am tired of hearing your voice," He growls. Then, another set of chains appear around Ace's ankles, yanking his legs apart.

Ace grunts at the sudden jerking and pain that follows his legs being pulled apart as such. The chains also tighten around his ankles and wrists enough to make Ace let out a cry of pain. Ace's mind can't seem to get a grasp of the situation enough to figure out what to do to get out of this mess. He has never been put in such a position before, not even with Travis.

"Now," Michael says slowly. "Let me see you," He waves his hand in the air in front of him and a second later Ace is hit by the warm air.

Ace's head snaps down to see that he is completely naked now, his clothes nowhere to be seen. He gasps in shock. Lucifer has made his clothes disappear like this countless times, but Ace was never afraid like he is now. Something tells Ace that Michael would not have the courtesy to make the pain disappear as Lucifer does. Something tells him that Michael will be rough with him on purpose, to try and cause as much pain as he possibly can. Not only that, but Ace is disgusted by the thought of another person touching him.

Michael's head tilts to the side as he inspects Ace's body. "I see you bare his Sigil," He says with a snarl. "I've never seen it before, not many have. It only appears when Lucifer wishes it to. So, I have no idea what it does, or if it even serves a purpose besides marking his territory,"

Ace gulps as he remembers the day Lucifer marked him with the Sigil of Lucifer. Lucifer told him that anyone who tried to touch Ace sexually would be damned and that he would show up to personally damn them. Ace silently prays that Lucifer does come.

"Now," Michael says. "How about we start?" He says with a tilt of his head.

"Lucifer," Ace says under his breath with so much terror in his voice that he swears he felt a cold chill run through his system.

The Devil Himself (ManXBoy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now