But if Ace is being honest with himself, he doesn't see Lucifer retiring any time in the near future. Perhaps after a few centuries, but not right now, especially not with Ace just getting there. After all, Ace was destined to rule Hell beside Lucifer. But then again, maybe when Tempest is eighteen he could take over, especially since eighteen is much older in Hell than it is on Earth. So basically, when Tempest is eighteen in human years, he would definitely be an adult by then in Hell. Ace still isn't quite sure how the whole aging process works in Hell, though.

Ace stretches out his naked limbs under the red silk sheets, his back cracking a little in such a good way that has him practically moaning in pleasure. Then, he kicks the sheets off and gets off the bed. He then rubs the sleep out of his eyes before he stretches once more now that he is standing. As he opens his eyes he spots a set of neatly folded clothes sitting on the ottoman and a pair of shoes resting on the floor next to the ottoman.

Ace moves to the clothes and spots a neatly handwritten letter resting on top of the pile. Ace has seen Lucifer's handwriting before but it never ceases to amaze Ace of how intricately woven each letter is in the calligraphy style handwriting. Each pen stroke is perfect with just the right amount of ink in all the right places. The writing is how one would imagine an angel to write, beautiful and perfect in every way. Nothing how Ace imagined Lucifer, the Devil himself, would write.

Ace smiles as he reads the handwritten letter.

My sweet love, Ace, I have gone to speak with my father about Tempest. He is very adamant that we get this meeting over with as soon as possible. Which I have no qualms over as I would prefer to not leave you alone for an unnecessary amount of time in such a place as this. If you would like to explore, please, my love, I ask that you wait for me. I do not want you to run into anyone alone. I warn you of my siblings for a reason, my love.

I do not want you to feel as if I am being overly protective or possessive, I truly fear that one of my siblings will cause harm to you. You are a human in Heaven and not only that, but you have been marked by myself. Everyone will want to know what is so special about you that I, the Devil himself, would choose you. They will interrogate you, try to touch you, and harass you in any way they know.

If you get hungry, a soul will be waiting right outside the door to escort you to the private dining hall. You will be able to eat in peace there, my love, as no one God has not permitted, is allowed inside. The soul will keep you company until I return.

I have also left you some clothing, which you have by now discovered. The bathroom is yours to use as you please as well. If you choose to stay in the room, however, I would prefer you not to wear the clothing, if you know what I mean.

I will return as soon as I can, my sweet love.



Ace can't help the blush that finds its way to his cheeks as he reads Lucifer's message about not wearing clothing. In Hell he would be fine with it, however, this is Heaven, and Ace feels slightly uncomfortable being naked even now. It feels like a sin to be naked in God's home, even though Lucifer assured him it was not, and that even God himself got naked.

Ace shakes his head of the embarrassment and gathers up the clothing and takes them to the bathroom. The bathroom is made of white marble with a jetted shower large enough to be considered a public shower. Ace isn't sure why everything has to be so large and extravagant when it is only a bathroom, the one place Ace would rather not spend most of his time.

Ace takes a long hot shower, making sure to try out all of the different jets just for the fun of it. After he dries off and gets the clothes put on him, he makes his way to the door to search for the soul that would be his escort. Ace is extremely curious as to what a soul would look like so he hurries to find out.

The Devil Himself (ManXBoy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now