Once we dematerialise everyone stays very quiet and the Doctor leans against the console looking very lost and I worry about what he's thinking and what the other Doctor had said to me. I walk over to him slowly and put my hand on top of his, snapping him out of his thoughts suddenly. He clears his throat, finding the sadness and thought away. "The energy from the Tardis will stabilise the Gangers for good. They're people now." He says aloud.
"And what happens to me? I still have this." Cleaves says pointing to her head.
"Ah, that's not a problem. I have something for that." He says ducking down trying to find the vial. "It's small and red and taste like burnt onions." He finds it and jumps back up holding it up, chucking it to Cleaves.
"But it'll get rid of your clot." I assure her.
"Happy endings." The Doctor says, but I can see the lie in his eyes and I look up to him unsurely, knowing he was hiding something.

We drop off Jimmy by the sea and whilst everyone else stays in the Tardis the Doctor and I go outside and watch from a distance. I turned from looking at Jimmy and Adam to the Doctor as they are reunited and I can't help but smile as the Doctor watches them.
"Do you think I'd be able to have children?" I ask him turning back and pretending to ignore the Doctor's sudden turn and bewildered look as if he were a deer stuck in headlights as his mouth opened and closed trying to get words out but not knowing how to respond. I then turn to him an innocent look on my face, pretending not to see how shock and caught by surprise he was. "You know, because of the hybrid thing." I say and he seems to relax a bit. However he still didn't have an answer, so he just turned to look at Jimmy and Adam and sighed deeply, seeming  almost disappointed?
"I don't know, Mackenzie." He says quietly and pulls me into his side and I lean my head on his shoulder. "Do you want children?" He asks. I take a moment to think about it, and wondered if I wanted to bring a child into a world where I don't know what's going to happen the next day.
"Yeah, I do." I reply, looking up to him to see he was watching me and he smiles.
"Good." He says, kissing me on the head before we head back to the Tardis, waving goodbye to Jimmy and his son.

We then head off to  Morpeth Jetsan. The Doctor and I work to park the Tardis in the big steel and glass company headquarters. We all leave the Tardis, Dicken's changed out of his acid suit and into his working clothes. "You really want us to do this?" Cleaves asks as we walk out.
"Your company's telling the world that the situation is over. You need to get in there and tell them that the situation's only just begun. Make them understand what they're doing to the Flesh. Make them stop. Dicken, remember, people are good. In their bones, truly good. Don't hate them, will you?" He says to them.
"How can I hate them? I'm one of them now." Dicken says and the Doctor and I smile to him, the Doctor clapping his shoulder.
"Yeah. And just remember, people died. Don't let that be in vain. Make what you say in that room count." I tell them. They nod, understanding before they look to each other.
"Ready?" Cleaves asks Dicken. They walk over to the door. "Side by side." She says smiling up to him.
"You got it, boss." Dicken assures smiling back, before they open the door and step inside, giving us a short glimpse of the flashing of cameras and questions that are thrown at them. Once the door shuts we turn back towards each other and look to the Doctor expectantly, but he's staring into space again.
"You okay?" Amy asks eventually.
"I said breathe, Pond. Remember? Well, breathe." He says to her and I look between him and Amy frantically, fear welling up, I could see fear in Rory's eyes too, only not the same, mine was a knowing and impending fear, his was that he knew something was going on, but not what.
"Why?" She asks nervously.
"Breathe." He repeats, right as she doubles over in pain, letting out a pained gasp. Rory goes over to her and holds her, not understanding but I just stare up at the Doctor, not wanting to look at my older sister, in fear of breaking out into tears.
"What's wrong with her?" Rory asks us.
"Get her into the Tardis." The Doctor simply says, trying to hide his emotion and I go after him as Rory helps Amy over to the Tardis.
"What are you going to do?" I whisper to him as we step into the Tardis, but he just looks to me wistfully and wordless. A look that comes when he's run out of hope, which I'd only ever seen once: when we'd been put in the Pandorica. The Doctor leans on the console whilst I face the door when Rory and Amy come in.
"Doctor! What is happening to her?" Rory shouts to him, wanting an answer.
"Contractions." He says, not looking at them, which leads to Rory and Amy looking to me for either confirmation or denial.
"Contractions?" Rory asks as he goes over to Amy.
"She's going into labour." The Doctor says to them and he turns to me quickly. "I think your sister's going to want you with her while she processes this." He says. But the strange look on his face made me hesitant, he looked like he felt guilty and as if he was betraying me. However I did so, because I was cared for my sister and wanted to hug her. I go down to them as another contractions starts.
"Kenz, this isn't happening." She mumbles to me as I put my arm around her.
"I'm sorry Aims." I whisper back, putting my head on hers.
"You're going to have to start explaining some of this to me, Doctor." Rory states, moving away for a moment to address him, knowing I had a hold on her.
"What, the birds and the bees? She's having a baby." The Doctor tells him and I look around to him.
"Stop being sarcastic, just tell them." I scold him and they both look to me, looking hurt that I knew.
"I needed to see the Flesh in its early days. That's why I scanned it. That's why we were there in the first place. I was going to drop you off for fish and chips first, but things happened and there was stuff and shenanigans. Beautiful word, shenanigans."
"It hurts." Amy groans as another contraction comes on.
"But you're okay?" Rory asks, trying to console her.
"Breathe. I needed enough information to block the signal to the Flesh." The Doctor turns around and faces all of us.
"What signal?" Amy asks.
"The signal to you." I tell her quietly and she looks over to me, wide-eyed and panicked.
"What? Doctor." She looks between us scared.
"Stand away from her, Rory." The Doctor tells him and I furrow my eyebrows at the lack of instructions for me.
"Why?" He asks before hugging and holding onto Amy. "No, and why?"
"Given what we've learned, I'll be as humane as I can, but I need to do this and you need to stand away!" He shouts at Rory and he looks at both of us and Amy shakes his head, I then whip my head around to the Doctor as Rory slowly backs away. I will him to tell me to step back, not because I don't want to support my sister, but so that I know that he hasn't been able to keep this from me the entire time as well as Amy. I felt the anxiety creep back in as he doesn't.
"What would they want me for?" I ask him, knowing I'm not pregnant or anything. And he shakes his head taking a moment to answer.
"I don't know, but you're a time lord, human hybrid, you're extremely powerful." He says getting emotional, for the first time today.
"Doctor, I'm frightened." I say to him and he steps down to us.
"I'm properly, properly scared." Amy agrees and I take her hand and grip it tightly.
"Don't be. Hold on." He says and puts his hand on her cheek.
"We're coming for you, both of you." He turns to me and pulls me into a hug. "I swear it. Whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you." He promises before he backs away, leaving me feeling cold as I hold on to Amy, hugging her tightly.
"We're right here." Amy pleads with him.
"No, you're not. You haven't been here for a long, long time." The Doctor says and he raises his sonic and points it to us. I rest the side of my head against hers as we face him and he turns the sonic on and everything goes black.

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