Eliza (Skullgirls)

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You had always loved her songs. She was you beacon of hope as the skullgirl and the mafia raged. Eliza continued to sing. He exotic beauty beemed brighter than anything you had ever seen before. Her rich voice, her beautiful appearance, and her over all personality, that's what made you fall in love with the singer you watched and listened to as a child. Her everything was your everything. You held her on a platform, and you were convinced she could do nothing wrong.
However, that was then. You had grown and become more mature. You knew better now. You knew Eliza. Why? Because you were her manager now. It was no easy job to get, yes. However, you amaged, mostly because Eliza was impressed by your dedication...and maybe she could tell that you held her to such high standard, something she liked, you guess. But you never guess that working for the idol would be so hard. It wasn't that she was high mantience, though she was. It was that she was everywhere.
She had occupied you with dates and locations she would preform, but when you set them, sometimes she wouldn't even make them. You tried to complain to her bodygaurds, Horace and Albus, but they seemed to be more on her side than yours, telling you that she was "busy lady."
"Eliza!" You shouted, traveling through her large household. You swear, it was like a god damned maze sometimes! "Eliza, please! You have a performance tonight, and that new make up artist is here to try out his new style with you. Come on, Eliza, you promised!" You eneted the pool area, where you noticed Eliza's busty figure, laying partically nude in the corner with w glass of wine. You huffed, stomping to her. "Eliza, now of all times? Really?"
The tanned woman glaced back at you with a thin smile. "Now, now, (Y/n), calm down. You always act like you're on a rush. You know, if you keep stressing like that, you'll get wrinkles, dear." You felt over you face, partically worried for the aging arks, but you quickly recovered, knowing that you were worrying over nothing. She was simply distracting you.
"Come now, Eliza, you promised me and the artist that you would meet him on time...Not to mention, that would give me the rest of the day off, and as much as I love working with you, Eliza, I really need a rest."
You chould hear her chuckle. Her smooth voice echoed and bounced around the room. She swirled her cup of wine before drinking the rest. She placed the glass down and moved her hand to you. She urged you to sit down behind her, and you reluctantly gave in. This gave the singer a chance you feel of your hair. He hand played with strands of your hair, the liquid on her hand transfered to your hair, but you didn't mind. She then moved her hand to you cheek in which she caressed it with a grin. This, in return, made you blush scarlet. You loved her, you really did, and when she gave you the slightest bits of priase, verbal or not, you would find yourself forgiving her for whatever she did wrong.
You gained your senses back soon and sprang back up. "L-let's go! Please," you begged. The Egyptian woman sighed and finally complied.
"Alright, since seem so you sound so cute begging." She pinched your cheek as if she were some kind of unruly aunt. You simply blushed and rushed to get her burly manservants to get her limo ready fro her. You truly were happy to be with her. You felt blessed, and hell, she hasn't aged a day since you met her. You'd be ling if you said that you weren't happy knowing that she has been single the entire time you've fawned over her. Her seductive, talented, and beautiful self seemed all to good to be single. When you asked about her relationship status, she told you that many men were just burdens. She was waiting for the right one, rather it be male or female.
The singer watched you leave her side as you rushed to get her two servants. The smile on her face disappeared. Without the warmth of her manager, there seemed to be an empty coldness. She knew that mortals like you needed rest, but she couldn't seem to let you go. You were quite the fascinating human and such a fun pet. Though, pets needed to be kept on a leash, yes?
The chauffeur stopped at the entrance of the art museum as Albus and Horace opened the door for you two. You exited first with a clipboard in hand. You bowed and allowed Eliza to exit. You offered your hand to help her-so did Horace and Albus, but she took yours with such grace. The feeling of her soft, perfect skin against yours was a feeling like no other. You smiled at her and helped her out of the vehicle. Lucky for you, no one had spread rumors of the singer coming to the museum at such a time, so there were literally no hungry fans or greedy photographers trying to come at her. You were all hers...God, that sounded so creepy.
As the two of you entered the museum, the owner and the artist had greeted Eliza with a warm smile. "Eliza, darling, it is an honor to have you here with us."
"Oh, Ruben, you know I wouldn't miss for the world," Eliza chimed with her arms out. You scoffed, thinking about how you had to beg her to come here. "How have you been."
The fat man, now known as Ruben, fixed his tie with a proud smile. He gestured to the artist. "My son, Navy, here has just made the most outstanding portrait of you, and we would like to give it to you personally as a gift from the museum for you contributions to your blood bank and helping the civilians who do not have the power to help themselves." The man guided the two of you deeper into the museum as he led you to a large room with one, lonesome painting hanging on the long, tan wall. Though, you could see why it hung alone. The canvas was ginormous. It seemed about fifteen feet tall and six feet wide. You gawked at the size, and even Eliza showed a little glimmer of genuine interest. Eliza's tall, painted figure loomed over you all, giving every detail of her godly beauty. A painting like this, would surly brush up her, already shiny, ego.
The singer clasped her hands together in awe. "My, your son is quite the artists. I haven't had such a beautiful mural of myself since the-well..." she quickly recovered from giving out too much information. Your ears peaked, hoping she would give you a little sliver of her past, something she had kept silent for so long. "-well, in such a long time, of course," she said, causing you to frown in disappointment.
"I do hope it comes to your liking, Ma'am," Navy claimed and bowed.
"Yes, quite definitely so," Eliza comment. "And you are giving this to me? My, this would look quite lovely in my lobby." She extended out her hand to the artists. Something, you noted, very out of character for her. The male smiled and took the singer's hand with a firm shake. Though, he quickly recoiled in pain as he inhaled sharply. A droplet of blood poked through his finger. It bubbled up on his skin before collapsing on itself and created a small trail down his finger. "Oh my, are you alright darling? These bracelets are sharper than they look."
"Yes, Yes, I'm fine," the artist smiled, quickly recovering.
"Ma'am, allow me to talk to the artist, so we know how we will be able to take it with you, and I can give him a little aid on his finger," you offered. You tugged at the artist's sleeve and gestured him to another room where no one would see the two of you. He quickly complied and followed you into the next room. As he closed the door behind the two of you, his arms quickly wrapped around you in a tight embrace. You clung onto him with a large smile. He kissed your temple and moved down to you cheek and jawline.
"I missed you so much, (Y/n), so, so much!" He murmured. "Eliza really never give you a day off, huh?"
You chuckled and kissed his cheek. You dropped your clip board and clasped his hand. "You know how she is. She's always busy. I really appreciate you making that portrait for her though. I think that will occupy her enough to get us a little date, yeah?"
"I hope so. But you know I didn't really make the portrait for her, (Y/n)?"
"So, you're didn't make the portrait for the person you painted?" You smirked. He laughed, kissing your head with light pecks. You laughed at her cute affections, tightening your grip on his hands.
"Well...I know how much you love Eliza. Haha, you'd make me jealousy if I didn't know exhausting she is to you."
You giggled and pinched his cheek. "Daw, I love fanart, Navy. Thank youuu~ I really do love her, but I would love to have a date with you..."
As the passion settled down, noticing that Eliza has not called for her manager just yet, the two of you leaned against the wall next to each other. You rarely were able to spend time together, and it was hard to maintain a relationship with your job. Eliza never seemed to give you breaks, so when Navy offered a solution to distract her a little, you immediately hopped on, elated by the thought of spending at least some time with him. "you know," Navy said, finally breaking the silence, "for a singer who only performs in one place, she really does keep you busy."
"She's got a lot going on. I help her manage the blood bank too, ya know. Besides, she's not some evil boss. I enjoy working for her."
"But it's gotta be exhausting sometimes," Navy added. You nodded and slumped slightly. You really did love Eliza, but she seemed to forget that you were a human that needed to eat and sleep. You attempted to defend Eliza, but the male placed his hand on yours giving you a soft, concerned look. "I'm just worried about you, ya know."
"...Yeah," You smiled. "I know." The two of you slowly leaned towards each other on the intent of a kiss, and just as your lips were about to meet each other-
"(Y/n), where are you, darling? I need someone to help Horace and Albus take this portrait outside!" The sound of Eliza's pompous voice caused you to lose balance for a moment and immediately moved away from your boyfriend. You jittered a bit, forgetting where you once were.
"I-I'm coming!" You called back. "I have to go, Navy," you told him. He just gave you a wary smile and waved you good bye. You quickly rushed out and helped out the two servants with the overly large portrait.
"Ah, it's about time you show up, dear," Eliza said, polishing her staff. "I was thinking that this would look just marvelous above my pool. Don't you agree?"
"Yes, Miss Eliza-"
"No, I'll have it in my room, I will be able to admire myself without a mirror."
"Yes Miss-"
"Or maybe I should put in my lobby as I once thought, have all my guests see nothing but me when they enter."
"Yes, M-"
"Oh,no. You're right that is quite foolish of me. I rarely have guests over. The thought of other people touching what belongs to me disgusts me. I shall put it in your quarter."
"Yes, Miss-wait, what?!" You gawked. "Ma'am, I don not suggest that. As much as I love your beauty, my quarter has no room for such a ginormous piece of art."
"Hmm, I guess you are right. I shall have it in my pool then. Come now, let's not waste time."
After that conversation, you learned that the trunk of the limo was a lot larger than you had expected, fitting in Eliza's large portrait in it. The four of you had settled in the limo, and Eliza gestured you over to sit next to her.
"Why so distant, dear (Y/n)?" She questioned, playing with a strand of your hair. You laughed nervously as you scratched your cheek. You were always like this when the dark-skinned woman was near you. She made you into a flustered mess.
"I-I just assumed that you enjoy your personal space, Ma'am," you answered. She chuckled and played with your hair. You were glad that this had not caught the attention of her manservants who were sitting not too far away. "I didn't mean t-to offend you."
"Ufu,no worries. I'll forgive you this once, but in turn, tell me...Why were you and the artist taking so long?
"O-oh, that?" You stuttered. "We;;,we got in a bit of an argument."
"Hmm?" She questioned, raising a perfectly sculpted brow.
"Y-yes. We were arguing on how we would get the portrait in the limo. Guess it was all for nothing since it fit in the trunk so well," you laughed. You didn't want her to know that you and the artist had a thing for each other, You knew that Eliza was picky with who she trusted, especially if your loyalties lied somewhere else. You worked so hard for this position, so there was no way you would risk it.
"That's strange. You were not too far away. I didn't hear any yelling."
"It was a very tame argument," you reinsured her with a smile.
"My, my alright." She moved her gaze away from you and looked out the window. You assumed that this is where the conversation would die out. A few minutes of silence had passed before the singer had said one more thing. "I definitely think that the painting would be least fitting in the lobby. I rarely invite guests anyways...Besides... I hate it when pests touch what is mine."
About a week had passed since Eliza received that gift from Navy. And though late, you finally received your day off. You didn't hesitate to set a time for a date for you and your boyfriend. The two of you agreed to meet at the entrance of Cirque de Cartes to watch the infamous Cerebella. You were never once for the circus, but the thought of finally spending the day with you lover filled you with the upmost joy.
The day you were off, you rushed out of your room with your best clothes on. You screamed through Eliza's large house that you were leaving along with some instructions for different appointments that she had that Horace would keep up with while you were absent. You quickly rushed out and into the lively city before. Whether it was day or night, the city was always of filled with color and life. Tourists poured in every day, constantly crowding the street. New Meridian was definitely a place of entertainment. The fear of mafia nowadays was almost unnoticed during the day. In fact, they rarely struck at night now, so the place was mostly now for its immense fun rather than the fear of gangs.
You quickly traveled down the hill and into the crowded city. You had memorized where everything was, so though busy, you didn't need any help navigating. Though, being lost was the least of your worries. You were too excited to be afraid of anything. Navy occupied your mind completely, and you couldn't think of anything else. Just this once, there was no room for Eliza, your idol; there was just the beautiful thought of you and Navy finally having a romantic day together.
When you finally arrived at the circus tent. You searched vigorously for the artists. The crowds were piling in to get a good seat for the show. Families were in lines to get tickets and refreshments Some of the circus actors were out, introducing themselves and preforming before the show to show off a bit of their talents. Though, none of them interested you. You continued to look for your lover. The smell of popcorn had crawled up your nose and laughter had filled your ears. It was almost too distracting to even concentrate, but you were determined to find Navy.
As you pushed through the crowds, you noticed Navy's figure running past people. Finally catching glimpse of him, you ran after the boy, calling his name as loud as you could. You pushed through people, hoping that you wouldn't lose him. Though, as you made it out of the sea of people, you noticed that your boyfriend had disappeared from you sight. You looked around desperately, but he did not come into view again. Maybe you were running after someone that looked like him, and he was simply running late.
You pulled out your phone and texted him to let you know that you were waiting for him. Though, he usually answered immediately, there was no response for your significant other. You wondered aimlessly, and as more and more people were beginning to head inside the tent, you stayed outside. You knew Navy wouldn't stand you up like this. He was waiting for this day for far too long. He would text you almost every day, wondering you would be off. He would always suggest place to go when you actually did get off. You worried that something may had happened to him. As previous mention of gangs, New Meridian wasn't exactly the safest place in the world. Your thoughts had wondered to the most horrid conclusions, but you didn't want to assume too quickly. The new ruler, Parasoul, had become more strict on the law, and law breaking was becoming less and less common, so you took some comfort in that. You wandered behind the tent, thinking if you wandered around, some kind of clue would come up. You found more than a clue, as you rounded the corner, however. You found Navy himself.
You stared in horror the artist passionately kissed the woman in front of him. He held tightly onto her hips as their lips pressed against each other. The air became thicker and time froze. Everything loss a bit of its color as the woman he kissed pulled away, revealing the marvelous, beautiful feature of Eliza, the singer you had idolized since you were a child.
By the time the kiss ended, Navy noticed you presence and the color drained from his face. Eliza noticed you as well. She cupped Navy's cheeks as she gave you a condescending smile and kissed Navy again. This time he was less compliant. He pushed the dark-skinned girl away and tried to go after you as you rushed away from the scene. You didn't know where to go, so you just ran back home-back where you and Eliza lived. You barged through the doors and locked yourself in your quarters. You stared at the walls as you leaned up against the door. The image of Navy kissing your idol played over and over again in your head. Your body had completely shut down, and you mind was left to wonder. No tears had come rushing down your face despite the terrible image that burned itself into your head. You face was just frozen in shock and fear.
"(Y-y/n)?" You could hear Horace awkwardly knocking at your door. "Is everything alright."
"Y-yeahs...I mean y-yes... yes..." you stuttered. "I just...I-I just...forgot my...wallet..."
You could barely form a sentence as questions raced through your mind. Just why? Why would Navy want to cheat on you? Was it because you weren't paying him enough attention? Cause you wouldn't spend time with him? Even so, why her? Why Eliza of all people?! Yes, she was beautiful, talented, everything you couldn't be...but why her?
You felt so conflicted. You didn't know what to do! You were angry, but you didn't know who you were angry at! You body sunk to the floor as your fingers laced themselves into you hair. Tears finally began to form at the corners of your eyes. Though, they were a mixture of frustration of despair. A small whimper soon became a full on sob as you held yourself tightly. You screamed and whined in frustration. You tried to hold your voice back, but you wanted to know why. Just why?
Not long after, a light knocked had resonated from the door. There was no voice, but you had a clue at who would be behind the door. You immediately stood up, trying to straighten yourself out. You wiped your tear hastily. There was no time to look at a mirror, yet you knew you looked like a mess.
You opened the door to see Eliza's form looming over you. A smile had formed on her face, one of triumph, like she had won something.
"My, my, darling. Look at you. You look like a mess." She took out a handkerchief and wiped your face. "I didn't expect that my little rendezvous would upset you that much."
"No...no it's not that..." you murmured. The singer entered you room and closed the door behind the two of you. She helped you to your bed, sitting both of you down at the edge, She comforted you, wiping away your tears. You didn't know what she was doing. She first kissed your boyfriend, and now she was comforting you?
"Did you have feeling for that artist boy?" She asked cautiously. Oh right, she didn't actually know that you two were dating. Guess, you couldn't really consider her a home wrecker if she didn't know any better.
"I...I did," you answered. "I'm not sure about it anymore, though." You couldn't tell, but a smile stretched further on her mouth. She quickly recovered however, as she continued to sooth you. She shushed you softly, rubbing circle on your back. Her touch was so comforting and welcoming.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know. I saw him awhile I was hoping to catch Cerebella perform, and he just started talking to me. I was so charmed by him...and then...he just kissed me. When I saw you, I didn't know you felt so soft for him. Otherwise, I would have-"
"N-no," you reinsured. "It's fine...I'm just glad your here." She pulled you against her form and you welcomed the embrace openly wrapping your arms around her as well.
"Now, my pet. There is no need to be so strong around me. I understand how you feel. You can cry all you want. I shall be here to support you." She patted your head with a warm smile. You just gripped her arm, not wanting her to let go. You really did love her. You appreciate Eliza. She was such an amazing person, so warm, so beautiful, so talented. What did you do to get such an amazing person. You loved her so much. You didn't know what you would do without her. "Just forget about that stupid boyfriend of yours. I'm sure that date of yourself wouldn't have worked out anyways."
You paused, and then you slowly pulled away.
"Hmm, is something wrong?" Eliza questioned with an innocent face.
"How...how did you know that I was going to meet him for a date?"
"Ah...well, I just assumed...since..."
"Eliza...did you kiss Navy knowing that I...that we...Do you like Navy...?"
"Now, now," she cooed. She cupped your cheeks, looking deeply into your eyes. "I'll tell you the truth now and let you know: I have no interest in anyone like him. There is only one person I have kept my eye on, and it definitely isn't him." She kissed your forehead, but immediately afterwards, you recoiled from her touch.
"But you knew, didn't you? So, why...? H-he..."
Eliza's smile left her face and an expression of disappointment and slight rage had plastered itself on her face. Her amicable nature had suddenly died out. "You really don't get it, do you darling?" You gripped your arm, he long nails dug into your skin but didn't penetrate. "Sure, I may have pulled a few strings, but just know that he killed me willingly. I just wanted you to realize how worthless that pest is. You needed to know that you deserved better."
"So, you kissed him so you could be with him?!" You yelled. Tears had began to form and drop once more. You felt so conflicted and so confused. You fought against her grip, but she refused to let go.
"No, you misunderstand. I-"
"No! You can't just kiss him and tell me that-"
"I kissed him so I could be with you!" She interrupted. You paused. Her raising her voice was very out of character for her. But that wasn't want caught you off guard. You stared at her would bewildered eyes. You completely lost your voice, and you weren't sure what to say.
"Y...ou..." You couldn't even finish part of the sentence as her lips brushed against yours. Your eyes grew wider, and you body completely froze from the shock. You finally felt her lips against yours. You realized that this was something that you have craved for so long. You could feel her breasts press against you and your head began to swirl. She nibbled at your bottom lip as the corners of her mouth lifted up. You weakly gave in, allowing her access. She seemed eager to taste more of you, and you winced as she bit the bottom of you lip, breaking the skin, taking in some of your blood. She pulled away as droplets of your blood had smudged itself on her lips. She licked with a pleasured moan.
"Mm, it really dies taste better than I could have ever imagined~" She chimed. She pushed you down on the bed. Her form placed herself in between your legs as she loomed over you. "Your dumb little mortal boy couldn't even compare to your taste." He slender fingers traced over your lips with a smile. "Well, guess it doesn't matter now. He's corpse should be completely drained by now."
"C-corpse?!" You rasped. "You killed him?!"
"Ah, well, kill is such a strong word. Let's consider him to a very generous blood donor~" she replied with a warm smile. "Besides...it wasn't too much a loss. His blood wasn't even close to mediocre." She began to trail kisses down from your jawline to your neck. Her hands ran against your body, finally feeling you. A hot blush brushed against your face, trying to process it all. You were equally disgusted and aroused.
"Blood...are you...a vampire?" You dared to ask. She stared at you, surprised at your conclusion but quickly broke out into a condescending fit of laughter.
"Ohoho, vampire? How marvelous! You actually think I add up to such a pathetic bunch. You truly are adorable, (y/n) dear. But no...I am not a vampire." Her finger traced your jawline slowly. "You probably heard about us on the news. Well, you mortals call us parasites, but-" he skin began to unfold, revealing the red tissue hidden by the peeling skin. Stands of her hair was peeled back as well, but stayed in contact with the rest of her pulled away features. What was left was a cat-like skeleton with piercing yellow eyes. You were fascinated but horrified. You held back a scream as the skeleton mustered a smile of her own."-I prefer to be known by my true title: as a divine goddess!"
She was a parasite. The sentient weapons you saw on the news. One was in front on you. Hell, she was right in front of you all these years, and you didn't even know.
"El-l-liza..." you trembled. "Wh-who...are you...?" This wasn't your Eliza. This wasn't who you were managing. This wasn't the woman you idolized and admired. This wasn't the woman you had obsessed over all your life. This wasn't her! So, who was she?!
"Oh, dear, you must be in such shock..." She cooed. Her tissue and skin plastered itself back onto the skeleton, gaining her normal physical form back. "Why, Eliza is he woman you have always known. I'm the one you love...though, you could say it is a bit of stage name. But it's fine, don't worry." She kissed your temple. "You'll learn the love me. You won't need anyone else. Besides, I'll need to savor such a delicacy like you. You're quite the rare treat..." Her lips brushed against yours once more.

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