45| Open Your Eyes

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***\HOLLIE'S P.O.V/***

My eyes frantically scanned the room, searching for the familiar mess of brunette curls that would settle my worry.

Bonnie was curled up in a small ball, her pajamas practically soaked through with sweat. As I took another step into the room, I realised that her cheeks were stained with tears and my heart broke for her. But at least she was okay, she wasn't hurt.

"Bonnie?" I crouched down to touch her slender shoulder, shaking lightly to wake her up from the nightmare she was currently being subjected to. As I watched her toss and turn on the bed I was hit with déjà vu from Christmas. I instantly shook her awake as the image of Ethan's distress flashed to mind; he still hadn't mentioned the reason for his reoccurring nightmares.

"Bonnie it's okay. You're okay." I pulled her into a hug as soon as her bloodshot eyes snapped open, her fingers shaking as she gripped onto my thin t-shirt.

"Where is Mommy? I want Mommy." She continued to cry as she clung onto me and I rubbed her back in smooth, small circles. Trying to reassure her and calm her down.

"What was it about?" I stared into her eyes and waited for her sniffles to stop so that she could talk in at least semi-coherent sentences.

"I-I was alone, th-they had left me." She continued to vent her nightmare to me in between hiccups, but I still listened, nodding my head slowly. "The monster was chasing me and nobody could help me."

"I'm here. Josh is here and he will kick their monster bottoms okay?" She giggled in between sniffles at the mention of Josh, "Mommy and Daddy will be back real soon, they haven't left you. They will never leave you." I tried not to think too much about my own parents, bile stinging my throat as I choked down a collection of bad memories. That wouldn't be the same for Bonnie, her parents worship the ground she walks on.

"I want Mommy now." Another tear fell and I caught it with my thumb.

"I can ring Mommy, get her on the phone for you. Would that be better?" I hoped that Laura wouldn't feel the need to come home before 12, she had looked so drained that it would be a shame to cut her evening short on the one night of the year that she is actually supposed to let her hair down.

I reached into my jeans back pocket and searched for my phone, patting down all my pockets but I found it wasn't there. 'Shit' I breathed under my breath so that Bonnie couldn't hear, it must've fallen out as I ran up the stairs.

"Looking for something?" I heard a voice from behind and found Josh leaning against the door frame, his face was thoughtful and all earlier 'excitement' was clearly forgotten. He pushed off the doorframe and took another step closer, passing me the phone. "You okay little one?" He asked Bonnie as he couched down beside me, one hand resting on my knee, the other touching Bonnie's tear stained cheek.

She nodded up at him, taking a shaky breath before watching me call Laura. I waited for the phone to answer but it rang through, going straight to answer phone. I tried ringing three more times before trying Mark, but there was still no answer. That's weird.

'Not picking up?' Josh mouthed at me and I bit down on my bottom lip, not wanting to admit that normally Laura keeps her phone tight to her when I'm babysitting. She has never answered later than the second ringback tone, this wasn't normal.

"We will be back in a second, okay?" I stood up and grasped Josh's arm, indicating that he should follow me onto the landing. I don't want to have this conversation in front of Bonnie, it could be that Laura simply didn't hear her phone ring and I don't want to worry her if it's nothing.

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