Hi part 2

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So how is everyone settling in?

Hank: I just wasted almost all my money for this expensive hotel.

Connor: We're having a grand time!

What where's that one guy umm James? No umm Jimmy?

North: Josh?

Yeah him!

Simon: He was a side character that doesn't really make a impact in the story or the fangirls just couldn't ship him with anyone cause he's *ahem* BORING.

How um..

Markus: Simon and Josh didn't leave on good terms.


Simon: So you're leaving huh?

Josh: Yep and this is what I got to say....ahem HIT OR MISS

(End ot Flashback)

..guess they never miss huh?

Simon: Stop!

Connor: Isn't that meme like long dead. Like its bones already turned into dust.

It'll never die in Josh robotic heart.

Ralph: Hey maybe we should watch Steven Universe.

Jerry: Good idea!

Alice: Ralph and Jerry has been watching Steven Universe on repeat after watching it for the dare.

Kara: Anyway *Brings out champagne and glasses*

North: Thanks. *chug a bottle*

Luther: I'm very concern.

Markus: She is like this on Saturdays

Alice: *chugs a bottle of kid wine* WHOOO! *smashes bottle on Hank's head*

Hank: *passes out*

Connor: So I'm gonna just drag him into the couch and uh yeah

Yeah so I'm more concern about Alice than North. And wait YOU GUYS ARE FREAKING ANDROIDS! I'm done.

Connor: Yeah guys you need to bring out the big guns. *Gets out bottles of car oil*

You know this might be a bad idea but...*brings out more bottles* HAPPY NEW YEARS MOTHERFU-

Ralph was found on the roof.

Kara and Luther was found on the couch watching TV. They never drank any of the oil.

Alice was making breakfast. She as well didn't drink any oil.

Connor was found on Hank.

Hank is stuck.

Simon was found cuddling North.

North was found dead inside.

Markus was found cuddling with a stuffed animal

Jerry was found in the lobby.

Josh was found in Hawaii.

Everyone who has drank the oil has passed out on one ship expect for Connor he had two sips.

Happy New Year :)

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