Part 13

357 13 17

Thank you @jackaboyphan for these

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Thank you @jackaboyphan for these. I will be doing them in order (also Connor still have to speak the way he did in the last chapter for the frist two rounds)

Hank: How about do me last

Why- ooohh ok *inserts lenny face*

Anyway first up is North

North: I think Markus is *squeezes Markus's face*

Markus: Not again....

North: Is a peacful, cute, and a little hawt cinnamon roll

Markus: I'm  not little bit hawt and hawt period.

North: Nope only alittle hawt.


Simon: *sighs* Hi Markus~senpai

Fandom: *dies out of cuteness overload*

Simon: Should we be worried

Markus:  nah

Simon: Hi Connor~senpai and Hank~senpai

Hank: What the fu-

Connor:*uses hands  as paws* Hi Swimon~swenpai nyah (I don't think I spelled it right)

Hank: Where did you learn that Connor

Connor: Twhe intewnet I also leawned-

4 hours later*

Simon: * rocks back in fourth* I have heard  the unforgettable and now can't  forget.


Ralph: Hi welcome to Ralph Cooking show Ralph is pleased to meet you. Today Ralph with be cooking dinner for father, mother , and daughter. Hank will do the drink of the day.

Hank: Pour in two shots of vodka *pours in the whole bottle*

1 hour later

Ralph: Done now EAT

Alice: no

Ralph: yes

Alice: No!

Ralph: Yes!

Alice: NO!

Ralph: YES!

Alice: Yes!

Ralph: No!

Alice: Ok so you agree.

Ralph will remeber Alice tricking him.

-in Hank's room-

Connor: Hank I heard there was something you wanted to tell me.

*whispers to hank* you got this now GO!

Hank: Um well uh Connnor.

Connor: Hank you seem neverous is there anything I could assist you wi-*gets pulled by Hank into a kiss*

Hank: *lets go heavily breathing (ooh la la speafic detail, not really but whateves)*

Connor: *Blushes a blue color ( blue blush was inspired by another story that was dbh that had android blush a blue color) * Well um I analazed you're saliva and there's  a taste of vodka on your tongue.

Hank: Connor!

Connor: Ok Ok -fast talking- payback * graps Hank's  shirt and pulls him in for a sloppy (ew) kiss.*

*examing this and is taking notes* ship is finally sailing, now next for Simon and Josh to be a couple.

Connor: Ok you can leave now, me and Hanky have an 'investagtion' to do.

*feels offended* oh oh ok wow *leaves and mumbles * oh but I'm the one who help Hank well not me I'm  not the one to made th dare BUT still. *leaves*

Hank: Ok soooo

Connor: Video games?

Hank: *shrugs shoulders* 

Ok being the weird person I am I made a Connor collage

Yeah I don't  know anymore.

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