Stay Away.

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It's my best at your heart

The glass that rips your word apart

Is it the guilt that keeps you up at night when you're in bed?

Well you can sleep sound honey, I'll write you a check

Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay away from me

Stay, stay, stay, stay away

-Stay Away by Paramore

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ashton’s POV:

Thunder rumbles and lightning crackles outside as I awaken to Satans noise from hell, also known as my alarm. God damn, it can’t be time already I just fell asleep. I lift my head slightly just enough to catch a glimpse of the bright red numbers shown on the clock, 8:02 am. I let out a loud groan and drop my head back onto the pillow.

How is it I fall asleep at six and awake at eight? That’s only two hours of sleep. I guess it’s better than nothing right? I shrug it off and sit up glancing around the floor full of clothes. I go for my favorite pair of skinny jeans, the ones with the two holes in the knees, sliding them up my thin lanky legs, I pull on my Guns n’ Roses tee and cover up with a plain black zip-up hoodie. I slip on my old tie worn all black converse, grab my phone slipping it into my pocket and head to the bathroom.

I flick on the light and take a look at myself in the mirror. I ruffle my hair and run my fingers through my fringe. Not satisfied with my effortless work I grab my beanie from the counter calling it quits. I brush my teeth quickly and look at my phone, 8:13. I’m doing good, got seventeen minutes till the cab will be here to take me away from this hell hole. Before heading downstairs I take a final look in the mirror and if I do say so myself I look damn fine, at least for somebody who got a minimal of two hours of sleep.

I can hear the commentary of a soccer game coming from the living room. “Good morn-“ I cut myself off as I see my dead asleep father, Noah sitting on the couch with his head thrown back. God what a mess. There’s a strong aroma of liquor, empty beer bottles all over the table and floor. I decide to do him a favor and grab a few bottles. I throw them in the recycling bag and turn around before being stopped dead in my tracks.

“What the hell are you doing?” Noah slurs out looking back, not even moved from his spot.

“I was just, uh, cleaning up a bit before I left.” I mumble keeping my head to the floor staring at my feet knowing what’s to come. “Do you a favor.”

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” I let out a sigh and get ready to respond but again, he stops me. “Oh that’s right, you’re going to your mothers cause you’re little ass is too scared to stay with me.”

“I’m not scared.” I say looking at him straight in his eyes. “You’re fucking scared. You’re the one who brought this all up. You’re the one who was scared of me. Scared of what I could do and where you might end up. You know damn well what you’ve done and you’re too scared to admit up to it.”

“Well you can have fun getting to the airport ‘cause now you’re not getting the money for a cab.” He snickers to himself folding his arms up to his chest.

“You’re such a dumbass.” I murmur under my breath as I get ready to turn back up the stairs before receiving an unexpected hit to the side. Before I know it Noah had my pinned up against the wall.

“Do you really want a replay of last night?” He annunciates to me only about three inches from my face. I say nothing and luckily save myself. “Good choice.” He releases me and takes his seat back on the sofa acting as though nothing has happened.

Falling In || Lashton AU {Side of Malum}Where stories live. Discover now