chapter 12

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 getting too comfortable 

“Zalgo!” said man perked up as he ‘looked’ at the door, I huffed as I went over to the seat. “I have some demands.” His brow quirked up as a smirk appeared on his lips that wrinkled his rich walnut skin before gesturing for me to continue. “I want my partners sharing the same luxuries as I am.” Zalgo let out a laugh before pushing back a loose strand. “I’m sure they’ve already found a way to the guest rooms.” Wait- does he know they got out? He must have sensed my confusion as he tapped his bandages just below his eye. “I have eyes everywhere dear, now I can send helpers to get them comfortable while staying here but I cannot give them full freedom.” His long fingers intertwined as he rested his sharp chin on top of them.  “You must understand, I’m trying to run a business here and I can’t have the people from the enemy family know all my secrets~” my eyes landed on the stack of files I had on me before we were taken here; I need to steal them if I don’t want to die by the men’s boss. “Of course, as long as they’re not beaten and tied up.” I looked back at the male to see he was stilling smirking at me. “Let’s a deal then. I’ll make sure to have Toby’s room next to yours~” my heart dropped.

Letting a servant (?) walk me to the guest rooms but along the way I saw a woman with light brown hair and an eyepatch over her left eye. She turned to see who was coming her way and raised a brow as she placed a hand on her hip. “Over here! Il take her.” The young woman nodded before rushing off leaving us alone in the hallways. “You must be the real (Y/N).” I nodded scratching the back of my head. “That’s me!” she seemed amused by my nervous laugh as her one green eye sparkled as she looked at me. “Come with me, I’ll show you around before we head to the rooms- guessing that is where you were going?” “Yes I was, let’s uh go!” and we went.

Walking along the halls I couldn’t help but look around amazed. “Is this a castle?” she glanced at me snorting.  “But of course! For a rising business we need as much space as possible.” I wonder if they had their own other world. Should I ask? No that would be stupid- “so (Y/N), who exactly did you come here with? I only saw one.” I wonder who? Rubbing my arm I let my own (E/C) orbs stare back at hers. “Hoodie, Masky and Ticci.” She let out a laugh at the names before her expression dropped to a serious look. “Be real with me. Who were they?” it scared me how quickly she swapped – much quicker than toby ever did most of the time. “I only know them by those names…” why am I lying all the time? Is this really the path I should be going down? She frowned before a smile soon replaced it. “I wonder who came up with those names.” “Ticci did. He wanted to give everyone nicknames for safety.” The one eyed woman rose a brow seeming more interested the conversation. “Do you have one?” I nodded. “Morte.” Her eye widened as her body seemed to grow stiff as the stitches on the edge of her lips tugged with her pursed lips. “I see.” Silence followed her as she seemed lost in her thoughts.

After a while I noticed we came back in a circle, I looked at her with concern. “Hey, can you keep a secret?” she fully turned to me fixing her furred collared coat. “yes.” She beamed before beckoning me closer, I stopped as soon as her lips were almost pressed against my ears. “I know who Ticci is, you see we are quite close.” Her eye seemed to bore into my skull watching my expression scrunched up in confusion. “We aren’t supposed to but isn’t that just more thrilling? I’m thinking of visiting him tonight so don’t tell anyone ok?” my face dropped as I stared blankly at the floor. What was this stinging feeling I had in my heart? The feeling got worse as she winked at me before leaving a kiss on my jaw. “Your room is just done there.” She smiled as I just nodded before heading the way she was pointing to.

Arriving at the second door, even though my door was labelled by a note with cursive writing, I stared at the door before raising a fist. The door swung open before I could even knock and the male looked down at me with a bright smile. “Yo-you know how to-to persuade p-people don’t you.” He winked before leaning forward making our faces inches apart. “I hope you’re not being naughty and flirting with the enemy.” ‘I can say the same about you’ the bitter thought rung in my mind as I remembered the glint in that woman’s eye. “I’m faithful, I would never sleep with the enemy.” He seemed taken back by my glare before giggling. “Someone’s g-grumpy~ how about we ha-have a nice bath to sooth y-you?” I didn’t respond as he pulled me into his room before closing the door behind us. I let him lead me to the bathroom as he beamed like a child on Christmas. “I’ve h-heard from the se-servants that a blood b-bath is always the nicest to-to have after a lo-long day!” I couldn’t bring myself to question it as I just watched him skip to the bath tub already filled almost to the brim in blood. He began to rid of himself of his upper attire letting his coat lazily land on the floor before peeling off his shirt. Scars were littered all over his body; some seemed to come from a burn, other seemed like skid marks while others were healed cuts and the ones that made my heart sink was the ones that seemed from being whipped or clawed at. Toby turned to me with a smirk. “St-stop staring a-and hurry up. Blood is gr-great for y-your skin! Well at least I-I was told it w-was.”

There I stood, revealed to the insane male as he stared up at me in awe. He grasped my hand pulling me to the tub letting the cool breeze prick my skin. Another hand placed itself on the arch of my back as he placed his nose on my stomach, he looked up at me with dusted cheeks as he grinned ear to ear. Taking a whiff of my scent as he stared right into my eyes; his eyelids fluttered as his orbs rolled back as he let out a dreamy sigh. I shuddered. “You st-still smell heavenly.”  His lips planted a kiss on my stomach before pulling away as he adjusted his sitting position giving me more space in the decently sized tub; it was defiantly large enough for two full grown men. As soon as I stepped in I felt my stomach churn feeling the clots of blood stick to my skin as the warm crimson liquid stained my lower calf.

Leaning my back against his chest felt so…indescribable. This was far too intimate for me to handle, my legs twitched ready to jump out and run but as his arms wrapped around me leaving small kisses from my cheek to my shoulder I felt like melting into the blood as my cheeks grew hot. My eyes snapped open before squinting into a glare as I chewed on my bottom lip; a certain smirking woman flashed in my mind. “So Toby…” he peered over my shoulder as he tilted his head. “Do you know anyone here? P-perhaps by doing missions involving more daring involvement Zalgo?”  He hummed as he kept his gaze on me. “I’ve me-met one but it-it wasn’t anything s-special. Just a short ru-run in.” he shrugged but I knew he was keeping information from me. “Oh…it just seemed the one eyed woman recognized our code names.” He pulled my closer to his chest hiding his face in my shoulder. “O-oh really?” I shivered at his dark tone before tilting my head to try and get a look at his face. “Don’t w-worry honey, it isn’t se-serious.” I knew that was a damn lie.

Lying in bed never felt as unbearable until now as I heard the click of the door next to my own room.  My lips trembled as I heard giggles and the muffle sound of that woman’s voice but it grew quiet after a while. I clutched my chest as I listened to the soft sounds of their talking. Throwing my blanket off my body I let my bare feet touch the cold marble floor, I let my legs drag me down the hall until I stopped in front of a door on the opposite side, I knocked waiting as my chest squeezed under the weight of my emotions. The door opened to reveal a tired Tim, he snapped out of his tired state as he looked down at me confused. “What’s wrong-“I let out a shaky sigh as I clutched to my night shirt. “Toby.” He brushed my cheeks; I didn’t realize I was crying.  “Come in, Brian needs a helping hand anyway.” He smiled as he let me into the dimly illuminated room. i l rubbed my ears as soon as I entered before forcing a smile on my face; let’s get some work done.

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