Chapter 12

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Dean Winchester POV

Weeks passed and Dean slowly adjusted to like at the Novak's house. He woke up next to Castiel (he tried it to think about that too much though), ate, went to school, came home, did homework, ate again and went to bed, only to repeat the routine the next morning. Almost a month passed like this and Dean kept his phone next to him throughout it, always waiting for the call that meant that is father was coming home soon.

School ended on the 12 of June, on what felt like the hottest Friday of the year. Dean had aced his final exams and was focusing instead on his future education. Sam was encouraging him to apply to some fancy college with a famous name so he could get a degree in engineering, the one thing that Dean was truly passionate about. But Dean was saving all the money he had for Sam. The kid was practically a genius, if his test scores were anything to go by, and Dean was sure he would get into a college with an extremely high five digit tuition fee. It didn't matter if Sammy got a scholarship, which he would most definitely get anyways, Dean knew that there was no way he could get enough money to pay for both his and Sam's education. He refused any of Castiel's offers to pay for Dean and to help add to the money Dean had set aside for Sam, insisting that he just had to find a job and could get his father to help him pay for it, whenever he could be bothered to come back from back from God know where he may be.

Dean decided to take a gap year before he went to college. By then he hoped that he would have a steady job that paid well enough, and John would be back and could put whatever money he had towards Sam.

So Dean waited for the phone call, hoping that it would come soon, that he wouldn't have to worry about Sam as much as he did, something that Castiel insisted was unhealthy.

John Winchester had finally called a few days ago, saying that he was taking a flight home during the third week of June. He was in the airport when he had called and was flying to his sons now. Dean was waiting for him to call from the airport after the plane landed.

The call came at 7:38 at night. Dean had sat up waiting for the phone to ring, refusing to leave until he got word of his father's arrival. The phone finally rang and Dean jumped almost a foot, fumbling over himself in his haste to answer the phone, clutching it to his face as he answered with a breathy "Hello?"

"Is this Dean Winchester?" The voice said, a voice that was most definitely not his Dad's.

"Who is this?" Dean asked slowly, a sinking feeling entering his stomach and twisting around inside of him.


Castiel Novak POV

Dean stayed on the phone for only a few minutes longer, his lips pressed together firmly and his eye wide, listening intently and nodding occasionally. Castiel stood behind him silently, waiting for him to get off the phone and turn around to smile and say that his father had gotten off the plane and that he was on his way to his sons, to help them and be with them like a father should do. Castiel waited quietly as Dean silently hung up the phone and slowly turned around. But in place of the grin Castiel was expecting to see, he was met with the most broken expression a human could possible have etched across Dean's pale face. He opened his mouth soundlessly and blinked, breathing jaggedly and shuddering lightly.

"Dean, is everything okay? That was your father right?" Castiel asked, confused. He tilted his head to the left slightly and took a step towards Dean.

"No," came the answer.

"No?" Castiel didn't understand. "Dean-"

"My father isn't coming home." Dean said tonelessly. "His plane went down over the mountains. No survivors."

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