Chapter 1

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Dean Winchester POV

"I'm going to Jo's place, Sammy" Dean Winchester called into the house from the open front door, his body already halfway out. He pulled his keys to his car, a '67 Chevy Impala, down from the hook by the side of the door. He tossed them in the air once, twice, then put them back on the hook with a faint metallic clank. He would walk to Jo's. She only lived a few blocks over and anyways, he didn't want some tipsy freshmen making out on the hood like last time he had brought the car to a party.

"At 10:00 on a school night?" Sam called out from the top of the stairs, poking his head out of his room upstairs to peer down at Dean. "And don't call me Sammy. That's the name of a chubby ten year old. It's Sam" he said crossly, pulling out of his room a bit further to cross his arms and scowl at Dean. At 6' 4", Sam was tall and imposing to most people who met him. However, Dean was only a few inches behind and was not intimidated by the taller sophomore.

"Okay, Sammy," Dean said with a grin. Sam's scowl deepened. "What are you, my mother? I'll be back before midnight, don't worry about me." Dean said, throwing the last words over his shoulder towards his little brother as he slid the rest of the way out the door and shut it behind him with a bang.

"That's what you said last time," Sam grumbled. Dean had gone out multiple times that week and it was only Wednesday. Maybe he'd be home before 12:00. Maybe he would actually follow through on his promise. Maybe he would be late like he always was. Maybe this time would be different. Sam highly doubted that.


Castiel Novak POV

"So you're sure you don't wanna come? I won't make you do another keg stand like last time!"

"Jo, that keg stand was a one time thing! Why do you keep bringing it up?" Castiel Novak complained into his cell phone. He was perched on his desk chair with the phone balanced between his ear and shoulder, massaging the cramps from his hands as he did so. He had been sitting at the desk for upwards of three hours already and he wasn't looking forward to another couple of hours. "I have to study for this physics test if I want to pass the class." He sighed into the phone. "Plus you know my parents would never let me go out to a party this late on a school night."

"Okay, first of all, Genius Boy, there is no possible way you could fail physics, you probably have a perfect average. Stop pretending you're not one of the smartest kids in the grade. Secondly, you are a freaking senior, if your parents don't want you going our at 10:00, then you may have a problem." Jo's voice came through the phone sounding tinny but obviously annoyed. "But if you're sure....."

"Yes Jo, I'm sure. No keg stands for me. Go have fun at your party." Castiel said.

"See you later then." Jo hung up and Castiel was left clutching his cell phone.

Castiel wished he could go to Jo's party, he really did, but he needed to study. Dispute what Jo may think, he wasn't that smart. Plus, he was never really good at parties. He always ended up being the kid who embarrassed himself and would probably end up being the talk of the school tomorrow. No, it was safer for him to stay at home.


Dean Winchester POV

Dean walked through the open door of the Harvelle house. He could hear the thumping bass of the music from halfway down the street and could smell the faint odor of sweaty bodies before he even walked inside. In the house, the music was so loud that Dean could barely hear himself think. People were everywhere, sitting on counters and couches, hanging off the staircase and one guy was doing what appeared to be a drunken keg stand, albeit unsuccessfully if his teetering body was anything to go by.

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