Chapter 7

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Castiel Novak POV

Castiel made it until eighth period, avoiding Dean as best he could. He even ate his lunch outside to lower his chances of running into the 6' 2" senior. But in English class, the teacher made the students work in pairs and had paired Dean with Castiel. Mr. Zachariah was out to get Castiel, he was sure of it. And now he would have to face Dean.

"Hey partner " Dean stated as he pulled his desk towards Castiel's. "Wanna get started?" Dean gestured towards the packet on Castiel's desk. "Shakespeare isn't going to get any clearer just sitting there." Castiel looked down and took a deep breath.

"Did you...." he started.


"Did you, you know, look at them?"

"The drawings?" Dean asked.

Castiel nodded.

"I saw them, yes, but I'm not judging you."

Castiel's stomach sank to his shoes. That's what everyone said, "I'm not judging you, I won't tell anyone", right before the whole school found out.

"Just leave it, Dean. It's fine." Castiel sighed. But it wasn't fine. Everything was most definitely not fine.

"Cas, I know what it's like."

Castiel looked up at Dean. "Huh?"

"The judging. I know how it feels. I'm not strait Cas, and people don't let me forget it. I play guitar and sing sometimes and I don't tell anyone anything because I don't trust them. But here I am, trusting you because you know how it feels. I've tried drawing and I've left scraps around the house and once in New York before we moved, one of Sam's friends found it and showed it to everyone. It was just a drawing but everyone saw it and when we moved almost two months later, I was a joke to everyone. People don't like other people who are different than them and that's okay, they're entitled to that opinion. but you shouldn't feel ashamed it guilty that I saw a drawing that you made of me."

Castiel stared at Dean. Why the hell was Dean pouring out his feeling to him? Dean seemed to realize this almost exactly when Castiel did and he flushed pinkish.

"Yeah," he said. "So, Shakespeare?"

"Shakespeare." Castiel replied.


Dean Winchester POV

The final bell rang and Dean practically ran from the classroom. He was looking forward to getting home and hiding out in his room. He was still mortified that he had spilled a load of shut about his life to Castiel back in English class and he didn't think he could face him right now.

Dean got to the Impala and saw that Sam was already there. He was standing with two other guys. One was short with honey colored hair and a wolfish grin. The other was taller, but not as tall as Sammy, and had dark hair. It was Castiel and Gabriel. Dean mentally smacked himself. He had promised to fix Castiel's car this afternoon.

"Hey Sammy" Dean said as he approached the car. "Cas, Gabriel." Dean nodded at each guy respectively.

"Dean-o, Cassie here had just been telling us about-" Gabriel started, only to be cut short by Castiel's hand flying across his mouth.

"Your promise to help fix my car." Castiel said hurriedly. "GROSS! Gabe? What the hell?" Castiel screeched, pulling his hand away from Gabriel's mouth. "Why did you lick me?"

"You licked him?" Sam asked.

"Your hand was annoying and on my face." Gabriel said, sounding like a five year old as he did so. "Plus I hadn't finished what I had been about to say."

"Yeah? Well, I finished it for you. Aren't I wonderful?" Castiel said with enough snark and sass to make even Gabriel quiet.

"Get in the car." Dean said, breaking the awkward silence. "You going to Gabe's place Sammy? Or do you wanna be dropped off at home?"

Sam glanced at Gabriel. "We'll go to our house. You can go fix Cas' car in peace." Sam replied.

"Sure." Dean opened the door and slid behind the wheel. Sam got into he back with Gabriel, making Dean raise an eyebrow at him. Usually Sam was quick to claim the from when there were other people in the car with them. Instead, Castiel got into the passenger seat. Dean let it slide and started the car, turning on his music again. 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' by Def Leppard filled the car and Dean hummed along as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Really, Dean?" Sam said from the back seat.


"Never mind." Sam said, rolling his eyes.

"So you want me to turn it off?" Dean asked.

"Just leave it." Sam relied, with a hint of a condescending tone entering his voice.

"Oh, shut up." Dean said fondly. "You know you love this song."

"I don't care." Sam said.

"Then why the hell are you bringing it up?"

Sam sighed. "Just drive."

So they drove for the next five minutes or so in silence, Cas occasionally looking at Dean sideways and making Dean squirm slightly. The song changed and 'Heat of the Moment' came on.

Sam groaned loudly. "Now this song I hate."

"Asia?" Gabriel piped up. "Dude, I love this!"

Castiel rolled his eyes. "It's all he ever listens to anymore" he whispered to Dean, making him laugh.

They finally pulled up at the Winchester house and Sam and Gabriel got out, waving goodbye to Castiel and Dean and heading inside. Dean drove a little further to the Novak residence and pulled up in front of the lawn.

Both boys got out of the car and Dean went to the trunk, pulling out a tool box and stripping off his leather jacket. It was getting hot out and if he was going to be working on Castiel's car, he was going to get very sweaty.

"Listen, I'm going to start on the car, you can head in, watch me, whatever floats your boat." Dean told Castiel as he headed toward the hunk of metal that was Castiel's car.

As Dean got closer to the car, he recognized the model as what appeared to be a '78 Lincoln, beige, clunky, and overall unattractive.

"Lucifer calls it 'The Pimpmobile' for obvious reasons." Castiel's voice came from behind him and Dean jumped.

"Jesus Cas, make some noise, will you! You're like a freaking cat or something." Dean turned around to face Castiel and was, as always, shocked by the intensity of his blue eyes. "This will take me a while to fix so you can go in and eat something or whatever."

"Sure," Castiel turned away and started towards the house. "I'll be back soon."

Dean faced the car again and popped the hood. Peering in, he fidgeted with a few parts then sighed and went back to the Impala. He pulled out his creeper and went back to the Lincoln, setting it on the ground and getting situated. Then he rolled under and began to check the car more thoroughly. This was going to be a long afternoon.


I am on a roll. You got 2 chapter in under 12 hours. Bow before your new queen. Love you. Review, comment, whatever floats your boat. Thanks.

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