Them at the movies

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-The movie criticizer
-"That jump was impossible"
-"Mason, it's a movie"
-Your both now banned from the movie
-"I'm sorry"
-"Don't touch me, peasant!"

-the sleeper
-"James, we should go see Aqua man!"
-*At the movies* "ZzZzzzzZzzz"
-you shaking him to wake up but give up
-You leaving him in the movie theaters

-The only decent person that goes to the movies.

-The I need to pee person
- Just when you get your seats
-"Erm, Y/n, I need to pee"
-"The HELL you just went!"
-"Hey! That soda makes you wanna pee!"
-You being pissed at him for the rest of the day

Hey guys, so I'm trying out something new and this is way easier than writing a long passage like before.

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