A/n / weird chapter thingy

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Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I did before but I am taking a break for about...... a week or longer or maybe shorter or for once in my life be on time 😔 this is o sad. But my mom signed me up for a Police academy thingy for the summer and I don't have a say, I hate when parents do this type of stuff #worstsupriseever. But anyway here is a chapter of one of my weird life things:

Daniella and her boyfriend, Will, were walking home one day. Angie, being the stalking sister was watching them from a bush with binoculars, she had her walkie talkie with her, walkie talkieng with her bestie Maryn. Maryn on the phone said "Angie, we should leave them alone" and Angie said "Shut-up" and began stalking them all the way home. When they reached home, Angie ran to the backyard where her room window was facing, she tried to climb up the house. Notice the tried , she failed and fell. (True story) Daniella and Will came into the backyard, when Will said let's have some fun. Angie with her dirty mind and stuff thought they were talking about *Beep*. Angie jumped out from the little bush she was hiding in and screamed at Will "You little mother*Beep* don't you dare touch her!!!" And Will responded by saying "What's so evil about playing football??" And from there Angie knew she screwed up. So she ran as fast as hell to get away from her sister and her boyfriend, she finally stopped at Maryns house and camped out there for about two days until her mother [Angies] dragged her alll the way home. Where she had to deal with embarrassment of Will and Daniella. Angie locked herself in her room and only came downstairs to eat food and then went back into her room to do some crazy *beep* and there Angie was plotting revenge, which fail of course.

Ok yea that was boring but bye guyssssssss


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